
After reading in Gizmondo about the odd structures in the Gobi Desert found by google earth aficionados

Have any fellow OSMers have come across anything like this while browsing aerial imagery during their mapping/tracing ?

Feel free to tell your sketchiest, most suspicious things that you've aerial tracing or mapping !

[Mine: In a economically depressed neighborhood, I found about 15-20 Jaguars (the automobile, not the animal =p] , in all years and conditions, lined up next to each other at the end dead-end street, across the street, a unmarked building, surrounded by a chain-linked fence.

(thanks to richlv in #osm for showing me how to make a marker !)

Location: Stockyards, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States


Comment from Minh Nguyen on 11 March 2012 at 22:56

I once saw a fairly large roller coaster in someone’s backyard, somewhere in western Hamilton County.

Corn mazes are always a pleasant surprise while mapping exurban Ohio.

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