
dekarl's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by dekarl

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Kartierung von Veranstaltungsarealen

Ein geoJSON Overlay über die Grundkarte könnte geeignet sein.

A look at Scout Signs

There is also a database of georeferenced photos related to bicycle infrastructure at now has OSM-powered bike routing for Western Europe

Very nice. I started adding pictures around here to cyclestreets. They have a nice API for geocoded cycle related pictures, maybe you can cooperate.

Why does MapQuest call it British Colombia?

Have you checked for ID collisions? As in the same number for a different object type (node/way/relation). I’ve got a similar (but less visible) issue where my home is mistaken for a super market >500km away.

In OSM angezeiget Verkehrskarte zeigt keine Straßenbahnlinien

Für den deutschsprachigen Raum kann man auch die Karte auf betrachten. Dort ist die ÖPNV Karte mit eingebunden :-)

I've been a busy boy

33.812, 150.983 is in the ocean but -33.812, 150.983 is in Sydney :-)

Landkartenblog Test - revised

OpenRelief bezieht sich auf “disaster relief/Katastrophenhilfe” statt auf “relief/Geländekontur”. Und Geländemodelle gibt es mit SRTM(-3 und -1) sowie den X-SAR Daten schon einige ohne Einschränkung in der Verwendung der erzeugten Karten.

Aschenstedt hat jetzt Häuser

Der Rettungswagen fährt üblicherweise in die Nähe der hektisch winkenden Personen die auf der Straße stehen… ;)

Clovis Transit Mapping Project

You might be interested in loading your schedule and map data into OpenTripPlanner. There seems to be mobile apps that integrate with it already.

Unmapped villages in a well mapped neighbourhood

Good hint. One look in josm revealed that the area around the node Mainhausen is the site from which the DCF77 time signal is transmitted which belongs to Mainflingen ( )...
Mainhausen itself is the village to the left ( ).

Solution seems to be moving the node or merging it to the area of Mainhausen.

Beginning edition - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I think you have swapped latitude and longitude.

can i import a autocad drawing in open street map

That's more a question for the tool you are using to display the map. If it's OpenLayers on a website, there's been a discussion on possible ways to display AutoCAD drawings starting at


Da man Hausnummern per Relation an die richtige Straße hängen kann würde ich das für POIs ähnlich erwarten... Quasi POI per Relation an die Lokation/Hausnummer/Straße verbinden. Ist das nicht so?

Tesco Changes in Newtown, Powys, UK

You can attach the place you are talking about to your diary entry. OSM is about maps after all. :)

karten entzippen

Laut muß die Datei gmapsupp.img noch auf das Garmin GPS Gerät übertragen werden.

Tagging cycleways as oneway=yes

Well, I tend to avoid cycleways on either side as they tend to be in bad shape, curving around between trees, parking slots, etc and obstructed from the view of car drivers... But then, waiting to pay a penalty for this, too :)

First google hit on that topic:

I suggest to allow the router to have a legal default. (and some advanced "ride as everyone does anyway" option)

Tagging cycleways as oneway=yes

In germany you must ride on the wrong side of the road if there is a cycleway but not on the right side.

So if you got a long road that has partly dual cycleways and partly just one cycleway you must cross the road multiple times!

So it's nice to tag it correcly to enable the router to penalice such roads for cycle routing.

Nokia vs Google

Had my first experiences with "professional maps" an turn-by-turn navigation last week... suggested 2 illegal turns in a 15km downtown tour... we can do better then that! (lucky me I was just letting the device suggest a route for fun)

Hätte ich gewusst....

Ich würde mich für die Kabelverzweiger an den Hauptverteilern orientieren (siehe )
also man_made=SAI (Service Area Interface) und operator=Deutsche Telekom AG

Webfind: [Tool] Compare Google Maps to OpenStreetMap

I guess there's not to many ways to fire up openlayers with a transparency slider and the popular maps as base layers ;)