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Going forward - Building community in OSM

Posted by Heather Leson on 9 April 2020 in English. Last updated on 8 December 2020.

Hi! I trust that you are resting well during this difficult time.

A few of us edited at track for State of the Map all about community engagement, diversity and inclusion. With SOTM making format changes, It seems that the best way forward is to host online discussions for our community based on the following. Stay tuned.

And, again, maps connect us, let’s find ways to support the community of global mappers. Thanks!

Community and Foundation Track - SOTM 2020

Summary This series of SOTM workshops will help us plan and coordinate in person followed by online sessions. These sessions work as a companion to each other building on the who, why and how methods of community building. We aim to be as inclusive as possible across OSM - developers, mappers, technologists, community organizers and more. We want to collaborate with the community to formulate documentation and measurable indicators out of these concurrent workshops.

Co-organizers - Heather and Trudy. Others most welcome.

Key words community, contributions, diversity, gender, leadership, coordination, collaboration, documentation, support, training, governance

community, contribution, collaboration, documentation, governance

Submitted 1800 CET Sunday Feb. 23

Session 1 - Collaborating across Contributors 1 hour

In this 1 hour session, we will discuss and map out the types of contributors to OSM. We will talk about values and spaces to support all the types of contributions to the OSM project.

This interactive session will involve 3 parts and small group work: Small groups - we will learn about “why we contribute to OSM” - 10 minutes User journeys - we will divide into 3 - 4 groups to document the user journeys of the various types of contributions. - 30 minutes Discussing ways to document and make suggestions for improvements 20 minutes Report back and next steps.

Outcomes - all the content will be added to the OSM wiki and be used for future sessions during SOTM as well as other online efforts to support our beautiful community. If we can, we would very much like to have a user experience colleague join and/or an artist to show the stories and examples in a visual way.

Session 2 - Diversity Working Group Space - 1 hour

Diversity is important in a global community. For the past few SOTMs, we have hosted discussions around gender and diversity. This has included a safe place for people to reflect about their experiences. It has been very important for c ommunity members to have a space to reflect on their needs and health of the community. This space will focus on how we might enable dialogue across all the various beautiful contributors in OSM. We’ve had between 30 - 40 people join us on this journey since 2016. With the inception of the Diversity Working Group, we can use this session to build on the needs of the network to share their stories while we co-create activities to support diversity and growth of OSM.

We will link to the existing work plan of the diversity working group. During this session, we will assess priorities and provide next step guidance from this session. In a globally diverse community, it is complex to capture input via all the diverse community channels. Often people prefer to talk in person.

Format We will start with 3-4 quick interventions/stories to frame ‘diversity’ - these will come from community members to help set the tone about what diversity means and why we need to focus on this in OSM.

After the interventions, we will break into small groups to talk about how we better address some of the issues and advocate for a collaborate approach. Some of the expected topics might include - gender, localization/language, and global community

[1] [2]

Session 3 - Chaoss and Healthy community metrics 1 hour

What are the ways that we can build data-driven community engagement and healthy checkpoints in OSM? An example of good community collaboration and metrics done in OSM is Weekly OSM. How can we learn from their practices to support data workflows - both qualitative and quantitative to support all the types of community contributors? In other open projects, they are embracing the practice of building out healthy metrics to support the core values of the projects. OSM is very data-driven. How can we analyze the needed metrics and ‘checkpoints’ across OSM “the map” , “the Data”, “the Working Groups,” and “the board.” What are the ways that we can ‘lightly’ enable this type of data?

Outcome: Some recommendations on how to build metrics into OSM to support healthy community activities. A detailed work plan with indicators will be put in place so that we follow this to measure our success. All these indicators will be assigned to volunteers who will be responsible for them and will be updating the wiki. OSM has many tools to support the project. As such, if there are developers who want to help us build a community metrics zone this might be a longer term goal.

Examples from FOSDEM

Location: 46.198, 6.141


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