
Fix up data, defang or remove actively broken stuff. Closed 6 days ago by Andrew Chadwick Tags created_by JOSM/1.5 (8586 en_GB) source local_knowledge;Bing;OSM Discussion

Comment from Govanus about 1 hour ago

ok I just wote a very long essey about the tags that I need left and fetures I need to restore to make the systems I use that rely them to work and the deeaper phlosiphy behind the tags I'd used but moentarilly left the edit box an the text has just all been lost. So I'll try it chunks or put into a diary edit instead. I've been to repair the broken data links but my time is short and the diversion a waste of effort.
Comment from Govanus about 1 hour ago

ok in chunked formed:-

I intended to promote OSM to the garage management teams of operators like the council, whose then system was relient on google and was so week that it had confusion-making location descrepancies on it.
Comment from Govanus about 1 hour ago

next chunk:-
I did specific site surveys to collect the marks, numbers and and names on all the garages I've mannaged to put into osm plus other that ran out of time for.
Comment from Govanus about 1 hour ago

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I use three fields to carry the name or number or assoiciated marks of garages and referances to teach OSM about the offical groupings and blocks used by operators to manage there garages stocks {this was to allow better data services on to the back processing of annotated website maps for customers to pick and find new garages to rent}

Comment from Govanus about 1 hour ago

next chunk:-
I use name correctly to give things phisicaly marked or written on the garages (in the same way I use the name tag when reley legend or symbols on parking spots {such as Owens Way (Way: ♿ (342095176)) })

A data sorter or renderer can filiter away these names if not requied by selecting out names from garage or parking space features.
There are different common renders that do support named garages while others choose not to use them.
Comment from Govanus about 1 hour ago

ok next chunk:-
I found some garages such as most Oxford city gargages have postal addresses, oftern with a variation to the name phisicaly on the garage (to avoid confusion with dwellings with similar numbers or names).

So where I can find these I add the appropriate regular address tags, including a addr:housename or addr:housenumber depending which looks most appropriate for the idividual garage [or bay of they ever come up the same way].
Comment from Govanus about 1 hour ago

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finally I may have access to internal or customer faceing records that carry a referance number or other text string or symbols. These I add to OSM in a normal ref tag; as is normal tag usage.
Comment from Govanus about 1 hour ago

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Now as I use the tags based on the infomation found out about the site: I may have some tags unused where infomation is not confirmed (that might get included when it is found).
...and as the tags are chosen by purpose (not just variation) they may have the same or different values based on real-world usages, of them.
Comment from Govanus 36 minutes ago

next chunk:-
I've foun it usefull to have the HGV Turning head clearly marked on maps as the concreate was originaly relaid with their need in mind, and it helps encorage lorries to use it rather than belive they will need to reverse for meny 100's of meters around tight bends (tighter since some awkward person mistook the road for a car park (originaly a banned process {delivary HGV's ruled}, then ignored by car parkers. Before being allowed in a semi-controled way)), and down a hill with children sometimes out playing too.

This is aspecially trure for those systems that don't render the areas well so not installing confidence into dispatch and drives alike.
Comment from Govanus 20 minutes ago

After a lot of debate there seem to be two settled camps of thought on areaised highways entered into OSM (yes spent a lot of effort trying to the one true path but it isn't there in way I expected).

Some think they should be like other features that get an area=yes tag included to higlight they are area ways and not linear ways. While some think special tags should be used to more easily highlight the relationship between the midway routeing line and the areas by forming a new area:x style tag to form k=area:highway. Sometimes linked with this is the practice of K-nodeing witch which with the right rendering program can developed stop, giveway and simlar features markable on the road (I've been wondering how this works with advanced stop lines that allow bycycles to get to the front of the lights to turn easier accross the taffic flow when its slow or stopped (ithink the secret is in the cycle lane areaising like an L with two effective k-points of natually differing widths),
an example where I've prepared for this is at:-

on the crossroads just outside the King's Arms pub.
Comment from Govanus 14 minutes ago

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So prep the routeing line to give a currently blank(latter to be tagged-up) k-point and then adopt both the area=yes feature method and the area:highway tag system (that will learn to use more of when I look at more on street area details to enter)
this approach is in the wiki along side info on k-points see the links bounceing about oxford high street for more details on this.
Comment from Govanus 2 minutes ago

Finally I've adopted a new highway tag that I explained in a wiki page before using in appropriate places.
this the highway=manoeuvring_forecourt that use for a place that is like a turning_circle, a parking_aisle (service), a driveway (service) and a yard but as it blends the other roles or is enclosed (unlike a parking_aisle (service)) it isn't clearly explaned by any other them individually, and as osm dosn't like me to dump multiple versions of the highway tag into one feature I developed a the new manoeuvring_forecourt to cover it. manoeuvring_forecourt's also oftern have implied parking and loading rules that can be better expressed on a map with some clear differntiation, so I made the wiki page and started to use it. Now I tought of making a type of service but I had thought if turning_circles get top level then so should manoeuvring_forecourt's.
Before you say they aren't supported the Humanitairian renderer dose support them as an all black feature. So they are recognised as a highway type.
Comment from Govanus less than a minute ago

Ok I out of time so I'll fiish up about the indoor problems and lugging a desktop to a public libary to be able to use josm when id and portlatch failed me will be tomorrows continuation.


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