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Opensnowmap style reload

Posted by yvecai on 12 November 2018 in English.

I’ve figured out recently that base map (topo) renders underground water pipes like plain rivers. It will need a database reload to fix this. Certainly I can correct other glitches at the same time, so have you spotted or can you find something else really wrong with this style? I’m mainly interested in mountainous places, of course, don’t expect fixes in Manhattan subway lines ;-) The style is derived from OSM-bright. Thanks in advance, Yves


Comment from Tractor on 18 November 2018 at 21:20

I’ve got a few suggestions for you to consider to make Opensnowmap even better than it already is: 1) Improve contrast for XC trails against wood/forest and water. 2) Render piste:type=nordic + piste:grooming=scooter differently from piste:type=nordic + piste:grooming=backcountry. 3) If a way belongs to a piste:type=nordic relation (without piste:grooming=*), it is currently rendered as a solid line even if the way is tagged piste:type=nordic + piste:grooming=scooter or piste:grooming=backcountry. I guess this is a bug. 4) Render piste:abandoned=yes. 5) Render piste:type=ice_skating. 6) Highlight objects tagged with ski=yes.

Comment from yvecai on 19 November 2018 at 21:01

Hi Tractor, Apart for piste:abandoned, good suggestions!

Piste:abandoned is not rendered because there is no more piste there, and even if I can understand nostalgia, it’s not, I hope you’ll understand.

1) Improve contrast for XC trails against wood/forest and water Good point A bit of background: the default color (when there is no color=* tag in a relation) is closed to the swiss color in my area. But I think I could decrease the saturation of forest, for instance. If there is a default sign color, it could be mapped on relations. I think that’s doable in my area. 2) piste:grooming scooter and backcountry, fair point. I’m not used to those in my area. What do you propose ? 5) ice_skating: it’s a bug I need to correct 6) ski=yes, but how? It’s defined as ‘you have the right to ski here’, like an access permission. I don’t really know something useful mapped as this. To my mind, it’s ski=no that would be interesting to render. But I’ll need some more explanation on the meaning here, because although it’s commonly used ( I have very little clue of what it’s really about. Maybe it’s worth to discuss it here:

3) Relation and grooming: It’s tough. Relations are rendered on top of ways in Opensnowmap. My main use case for relation is to provide feedback to the color=* tag. Look in France for instance, where relation with a color tag are manually offset to be displayed side by side. I tried once to erase a dashed line on top of them but it was quite ugly.

For 1, 2 and 3, could you make some mock-ups on what it would look like in your area? I don’t guarantee your suggestions will be taken as is, but this could help me to come with solutions. You can open issues here if you want:


Comment from Tractor on 20 November 2018 at 23:07

1) On Norwegian maps XC trails are usually either red or blue (depending on the region I think). The colour doesn’t really matter as long as it doesn’t make the map hard to read.

2) Maybe like it is suggested here:

3) I don’t know how it’s done in other countries, but here in Norway we usually put all the piste: tags directly on the way without the need for realtions. Relations are mostly used to name different XC trails.

Unlike alpine pistes, XC pistes are usually not (or never?) colour coded according to difficulty here.

4) I see your point about piste:abandoned. It’s actually the answer I expected. Some of those abandoned XC trails can be quite interesting to explore though.

6) In addition to being used as an access permission, ski=yes is used on some features to indicate that they are related to skiing. E.g.: tourism=information + information=map + ski=yes

Comment from Tractor on 23 November 2018 at 17:04

Hi again,

One more thing: 7) Render piste:name=*.


Comment from yvecai on 21 January 2019 at 21:02

It’s not like nothing happens, your concerns are duly noted here:

Plus, there is something new here, and you can maybe help in proposing some lines styles if you are familiar enough with Inkscape :

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