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House addresses

Posted by xrisnik on 7 May 2022 in English.

I got tired of adding addresses to hundreds of houses, so reluctantly decided to research custom presets. What a pleasure it turned out to be - I recommend it. Here is all it took:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

* Put this file in ~/snap/josm/common/  [This is specific to Ubuntu Linux]
* Add to JOSM by selecting  Edit / Preferences / Tagging Presets
* and then press '+' on the top-right, then specify the path to this file.

  shortdescription="Presets File" 
  description="Setting residential building and address in JOSM">

  <item name="Residence + address" type="closedway">

    <label text="Edit"/>

    <space />

    <combo key="building" text="Residence type" values="detached,terrace,semidetached_house,apartments" display_values="Detached,Terrace,Semi,Apartments" default="detached"/>

    <text key="addr:housenumber" text="Number" default="" delete_if_empty="true"/>

    <text key="addr:street" text="Street" default="" delete_if_empty="true"/>

    <space />




Comment from Strubbl on 7 May 2022 at 16:02

Thanks for sharing <3

Comment from vorpalblade on 9 May 2022 at 18:36

How are you getting the addresses?

If they are from an address database, please consider the JOSM MapWithAI plugin (it will automatically merge address points with buildings, you can turn this off if you don’t like it).

If they are from street-level imagery, good for you. :)

Comment from Lejun on 11 May 2022 at 06:22

Hey thanks for the preset. But have you looked into the HouseNumberTaggingTool?

Comment from xrisnik on 11 May 2022 at 06:34

Clearly, I should have searched available plugins… It seems that there are already very good options available. Still, it was quite satisfying to learn how to do a custom preset!

Comment from Lejun on 11 May 2022 at 14:30

Ha, been there, done that. The only complain I’d have with this plugin is the lack of custom fields. I used it to map camping ground with pitch sites and while those are numbered, one can’t use addr but ref (I still made it possible by marking with a stupid tag before using the find tool for a mass edit of the addr key).

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