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OSMCha Mailing list

Posted by wille on 21 December 2017 in English.

This year has been very special for OSMCha! We have implemented a new interface, a lot of new features and a new backend architecture. We have some new ideas to improve OSMCha in 2018, but we want to start by achieving a better integration with the OpenStreetMap community. So we are starting a mailing list for OSMCha.

As we have more and more people and projects dependent on OSMCha, using the API, deploying their own instances, it is important to have a way to communicate with more agility. A mailing list will be vital to ask general questions, make announcements regarding OSMCha, collaborate on plans and new features, and inform the group of changes.

You can subscribe to the mailing list on Bug reports and wishlist items should continue be reported as Github issues. Please be mindful of the etiquette rules defined on OSM Wiki.

Look forward to talking OSMCha development with you all!


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