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Some StreetComplete-Statistics

Posted by wielandb on 12 May 2022 in English. Last updated on 16 May 2022.

I did some statistical evaluation around StreetComplete, and in this post I describe what I evaluated and what the results are.

(This post is more or less the english text version of this YouTube video, which is in german. There is also a german version of this post here.)

First of all, how did I evaluate this data, or rather, where did I get all the info I’m talking about here? The basis was the StreetCompleteNumbers script that I wrote some time ago. It’s a Python script that can be used to find out the number of solved quests for a user. The script is also available on GitHub. One can use this script very easily:

from StreetCompleteNumbers import StreetCompleteNumbers


Then we just had to find out who are the users whose StreetComplete numbers we want to download. I tried to develop a method that makes as small a number of requests to the OpenStreetMap servers as possible. So simply downloading the entire changeset history for every user I come across should be avoided. I was using the daily replication diffs since October 2021 (so since half a year ago). I downloaded every diff file, and looked at every changeset that occurred in it. If a changeset contains the changeset tag StreetComplete:QuestType, I trigger a download and save of its numbers for that user. Also, the program remembers for which users it has already saved StreetComplete numbers, so that they are not downloaded twice for the same user.

So I ended up with StreetComplete numbers for 5284 users, which was my database. And so we came directly to the first limitation of this evaluation. Only users who solved at least one StreetComplete quest between October 2021 and March 2022 appear in this statistic.

Before we get to the statistics, it should be said that I do not want to name any users in this evaluation, so we will only see the countries of the top users. So, let’s get to the statistics now:

How many ★ do the top users have?

One statistic

How many users have disabled quests enabled?

To do this, I created a list myself of quests that were disabled by default and checked for each user in my database to see if they had at least one solution for at least one of those quests. The evaluation showed, one third of the users did not solve a single quest that was disabled by default. In theory, this doesn’t have to mean that these users haven’t activated any of these quests, but since many quests are deactivated because they are so spammy, I think we have a good estimate here.

How many quests were solved in total?

The data I have indicates that over 14 million quests have been solved using StreetComplete. (To be precise, there were 13,975,938 quests at the time of the survey, which is why the percentages in the table below are based on this figure).

How are the solved quests distributed among the colors?

In StreetComplete, each quest has a color that assigns it to a rough category. The categories are the following:

  • Blue represents footpaths and pedestrians.
  • Yellow represents streets and cars
  • Light gray (beige?) represents buildings
  • Dark grey represents man_made, so roughly “infrastructure”
  • Orange is for stores
  • Pink represents bicycles
  • Green is for public facilities like benches and trash cans
  • Brown represents nature

The colors as image

Here is the distribution as a graph:

The colors statistics

And here as a table:

Single Color Total Percent  
Light Brown 91112 13975938 0.65%
Gray 109326 13975938 0.78%
Orange 307434 13975938 2.20%
Green 391304 13975938 2.80%
Pink 585953 13975938 4.19%
Yellow 2963361 13975938 21.20%
Blue 4697256 13975938 33.61%
Light Gray 4830192 13975938 34.56%

Which quests are solved the most/least often?

Here is a graph showing the 3 most frequently solved quests, as well as the quests that have been solved under 100 times overall by all users:

A statistic

I think the quests with extremely few solutions can all be explained relatively easily:

  • “Is it possible to refuel at this gas station itself?” is not shown in Germany - which is very strongly represented in OSM and StreetComplete.
  • “Is there a summit book at this summit?” has probably not been answered so often because, on the one hand, there are not so many summits. For another, running through a city with StreetComplete is one thing, but climbing mountain peaks with StreetComplete is something else :D
  • The barrier-quests, air-conditioning-quest and physical-height-quest are all relatively new and probably therefore hardly answered yet. The air conditioning quest is disabled by default, and the physical height quest is in last place in my opinion, because you have to use the AR measurement tool for it, which not all phones have.

Here is another graph that shows some more quests with their respective percentages:

A statistic

And here is the whole list of quests in ascending order by the number of their solutions:

Quest-ID Number solved All solved quests Proportion of this quest in all solutions
AddMaxPhysicalHeight 19 13975938 0,0001%
AddAirConditioning 52 13975938 0,0004%
AddBarrierOnRoad 60 13975938 0,0004%
AddSummitRegister 65 13975938 0,0005%
AddBarrierOnPath 76 13975938 0,0005%
AddFuelSelfService 93 13975938 0,0007%
AddAcceptsCash 122 13975938 0,0009%
AddPoliceType 126 13975938 0,0009%
AddCyclewayWidth 149 13975938 0,0011%
AddTrafficCalmingType 214 13975938 0,0015%
AddWheelchairAccessToiletsPart 376 13975938 0,0027%
CheckOpeningHoursSigned 380 13975938 0,0027%
AddFerryAccessPedestrian 389 13975938 0,0028%
AddFerryAccessMotorVehicle 454 13975938 0,0032%
AddStileType 502 13975938 0,0036%
AddBarrierType 631 13975938 0,0045%
AddCameraType 717 13975938 0,0051%
AddBikeParkingFee 756 13975938 0,0054%
AddWheelchairAccessOutside 756 13975938 0,0054%
AddStreetParking 771 13975938 0,0055%
AddLevel 802 13975938 0,0057%
AddBikeParkingAccess 938 13975938 0,0067%
AddChargingStationOperator 992 13975938 0,0071%
AddReligionToPlaceOfWorship 1027 13975938 0,0073%
AddRoadWidth 1032 13975938 0,0074%
AddMotorcycleParkingCapacity 1060 13975938 0,0076%
AddIsBuildingUnderground 1102 13975938 0,0079%
AddSelfServiceLaundry 1169 13975938 0,0084%
AddClothingBinOperator 1313 13975938 0,0094%
AddBusStopRef 1335 13975938 0,0096%
SpecifyShopType 1354 13975938 0,0097%
AddIsDefibrillatorIndoor 1388 13975938 0,0099%
AddSuspectedOneway 1501 13975938 0,0107%
AddAtmOperator 1502 13975938 0,0107%
AddInternetAccess 1515 13975938 0,0108%
AddDrinkingWater 1673 13975938 0,0120%
AddChargingStationCapacity 1910 13975938 0,0137%
AddPostboxRef 1919 13975938 0,0137%
AddInformationToTourism 2113 13975938 0,0151%
AddPostboxRoyalCypher 2151 13975938 0,0154%
AddBabyChangingTable 2202 13975938 0,0158%
AddReligionToWaysideShrine 2240 13975938 0,0160%
AddOrchardProduce 2315 13975938 0,0166%
AddGeneralFee 2448 13975938 0,0175%
AddCarWashType 2455 13975938 0,0176%
AddToiletAvailability 2519 13975938 0,0180%
AddMotorcycleParkingCover 2638 13975938 0,0189%
AddBicycleBarrierType 2994 13975938 0,0214%
DetermineRecyclingGlass 3040 13975938 0,0218%
CheckShopType 3736 13975938 0,0267%
AddWheelchairAccessPublicTransport 3834 13975938 0,0274%
AddOneway 4034 13975938 0,0289%
AddHalal 4192 13975938 0,0300%
AddVegan 4536 13975938 0,0325%
AddKosher 5104 13975938 0,0365%
AddFireHydrantDiameter 5136 13975938 0,0367%
AddWheelchairAccessToilets 5293 13975938 0,0379%
AddSport 5531 13975938 0,0396%
AddBoardType 5706 13975938 0,0408%
AddPicnicTableCover 6012 13975938 0,0430%
AddBusStopName 6301 13975938 0,0451%
AddRecyclingType 7075 13975938 0,0506%
AddToiletsFee 7367 13975938 0,0527%
MarkCompletedBuildingConstruction 7492 13975938 0,0536%
AddFireHydrantPosition 9948 13975938 0,0712%
AddRecyclingContainerMaterials 11610 13975938 0,0831%
AddVegetarian 11861 13975938 0,0849%
AddFireHydrantType 11906 13975938 0,0852%
AddBridgeStructure 12060 13975938 0,0863%
AddCrossing 16934 13975938 0,1212%
AddPostboxCollectionTimes 17080 13975938 0,1222%
AddBollardType 18123 13975938 0,1297%
AddPitchLit 19606 13975938 0,1403%
AddRailwayCrossingBarrier 20071 13975938 0,1436%
AddBikeParkingType 20437 13975938 0,1462%
AddPitchSurface 22116 13975938 0,1582%
AddMaxWeight 22556 13975938 0,1614%
AddCyclewaySegregation 25751 13975938 0,1843%
AddBikeParkingCapacity 26817 13975938 0,1919%
AddProhibitedForPedestrians 27273 13975938 0,1951%
AddCyclewayPartSurface 28265 13975938 0,2022%
AddShoulder 28278 13975938 0,2023%
AddFootwayPartSurface 28794 13975938 0,2060%
AddBikeParkingCover 31671 13975938 0,2266%
AddPathSmoothness 33433 13975938 0,2392%
AddPlaygroundAccess 35503 13975938 0,2540%
MarkCompletedHighwayConstruction 40526 13975938 0,2900%
AddStepCount 41660 13975938 0,2981%
AddTracktype 41834 13975938 0,2993%
AddKerbHeight 42755 13975938 0,3059%
AddMaxHeight 43728 13975938 0,3129%
AddRoadSmoothness 44434 13975938 0,3179%
AddTactilePavingKerb 44713 13975938 0,3199%
AddPlaceName 46825 13975938 0,3350%
AddStepsIncline 49162 13975938 0,3518%
AddPowerPolesMaterial 62784 13975938 0,4492%
AddWheelchairAccessBusiness 63226 13975938 0,4524%
AddTrafficSignalsVibration 63457 13975938 0,4540%
AddTrafficSignalsSound 69883 13975938 0,5000%
AddBusStopLit 70486 13975938 0,5043%
AddHandrail 72727 13975938 0,5204%
AddTrafficSignalsButton 75446 13975938 0,5398%
AddStepsRamp 77822 13975938 0,5568%
AddBinStatusOnBusStop 82291 13975938 0,5888%
AddForestLeafType 88295 13975938 0,6318%
AddRoadName 93765 13975938 0,6709%
AddBenchStatusOnBusStop 94389 13975938 0,6754%
AddBenchBackrest 98525 13975938 0,7050%
AddParkingFee 100644 13975938 0,7201%
AddBusStopShelter 107404 13975938 0,7685%
AddParkingType 108408 13975938 0,7757%
AddTactilePavingBusStop 119748 13975938 0,8568%
CheckExistence 124524 13975938 0,8910%
AddParkingAccess 141111 13975938 1,0097%
AddCrossingType 145072 13975938 1,0380%
AddOpeningHours 160341 13975938 1,1473%
AddCrossingIsland 170003 13975938 1,2164%
AddMaxSpeed 190915 13975938 1,3660%
AddAddressStreet 268936 13975938 1,9243%
AddTactilePavingCrosswalk 283199 13975938 2,0263%
AddLanes 325145 13975938 2,3265%
AddSidewalk 427435 13975938 3,0584%
AddHousenumber 441068 13975938 3,1559%
AddCycleway 448175 13975938 3,2068%
AddRoofShape 850171 13975938 6,0831%
AddPathSurface 999441 13975938 7,1512%
AddBuildingLevels 1379383 13975938 9,8697%
AddWayLit 1541163 13975938 11,0273%
AddRoadSurface 1726590 13975938 12,3540%
AddBuildingType 1889532 13975938 13,5199%

What can we take away from these statistics?

We can see very well that StreetComplete is quite undiversified in terms of its use and its users. Few people are responsible for the majority of all solved quests. Mainly StreetComplete is used to add details to houses, streets and roads. This doesn’t seem too surprising, since a city consists mostly of houses, streets and roads. In this respect, it is not a big deal that a large part of the solved quests are also related to these object types. As for the users, it looks a little different: Of the 5000+ users I examined, 100 are responsible for 30% of all quests solved. And while in the video version of this post I conclude that this is an indication of the not-so-good-looking diversification in OpenStreetMap, I’ve since done some more thinking and come to a different conclusion. You have to count out the power users much more than aligning the other users with them. So the average user doesn’t do proportionally little, but the power users do proportionally a lot. Looking at it this way, StreetComplete has a good user base that contributes relatively evenly to OpenStreetMap.


Comment from Strubbl on 13 May 2022 at 11:21

There’s a difference between the app and what your script shows for the stars. I think the cause might be the stars collected before a central DB saved them. I am using different devices and i “lost” stars in the beginnings of the app due to reinstalls or simply using another device.

Comment from Mateusz Konieczny on 14 May 2022 at 06:56

I am using different devices and i “lost” stars in the beginnings of the app due to reinstalls or simply using another device.

Note that stars may reappear after delay but they are not lost by changing devices.

Comment from Mateusz Konieczny on 14 May 2022 at 06:58

Few people are responsible for the majority of all solved quests.

Note that it is true for editing also with other editors (with JOSM to even greater degree if someone fails to exclude imports).

Comment from Mateusz Konieczny on 14 May 2022 at 07:22

Thanks for analysis!

The evaluation showed, one third of the users did not solve a single quest that was disabled by default.

Is it possible that it counts users who solved now disabled quests when they were enabled by default? For example roof shape quest was disabled recently.

Comment from Strubbl on 14 May 2022 at 07:50

Note that stars may reappear after delay but they are not lost by changing devices.

They are lost, because they were collected before the stars were saved in a remote location. I mean in the very early version of SC (<v10).

Comment from Mateusz Konieczny on 15 May 2022 at 07:28

Stars are not exactly saved - all edits ever made are parsed based on public changeset info.

But maybe SC cannot parse such old edits?

Comment from Strubbl on 15 May 2022 at 09:37

What do you mean with “Stars are not exactly saved”? IMO the number of quests solved, “stars”, are saved centrally on a server from WNO. This was introduced with SC v. X. Old changesets by SC with version <X are not parsed. If you still had the stars in your app when version X was introduced, they were used as start value instead of 0 stars.

When you reinstalled SC <v. X you started again with 0 stars although you might have solved quests already with the old installation. Stars were not synced from anywhere when setting up the app.

Comment from Mateusz Konieczny on 15 May 2022 at 12:47

IMO the number of quests solved, “stars”, are saved centrally on a server from WNO.

It is recorded in changeset tags, not on central server operated by Tobias. Sooner or later statistics server will be restarted and reload data from changesets by parsing past user edits.

At the same time data displayed by SC right now is supplied by this central server operated by Tobias.

Old changesets by SC with version <X are not parsed. If you still had the stars in your app when version X was introduced, they were used as start value instead of 0 stars.

This is likely to be true.

Comment from westnordost on 15 May 2022 at 21:19

Old changesets by SC with version <X are not parsed. If you still had the stars in your app when version X was introduced, they were used as start value instead of 0 stars.

This is likely to be true.

But still not true. All changes ever done with SC beginning with v0.1 are included in the statistics shown in the app.

Comment from Strubbl on 15 May 2022 at 21:45

Then, the script’s counting is not correct as it shows a higher number than SC. E.g. for me the quest AddIsDefibrillatorIndoor shows in SC 19 and the script 21.

Comment from westnordost on 15 May 2022 at 22:59

Then, the script’s counting is not correct as it shows a higher number than SC. E.g. for me the quest AddIsDefibrillatorIndoor shows in SC 19 and the script 21.

I think the discrepancy can be explained by this:

When you solve a quest, then undo a quest, then solve it again (differently), that’s 3 changes. StreetComplete only counts this as one. Wieland’s script probably counts this as 3 (because it is easier and the difference will usually not be that high).

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