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Collaborative Mapping Workshop for Openstreetmap Beginners with ID Editor

On May 21st at 16:30 UTC-3, UMBRAOSM - Union of Brazilian mappers of Openstreetmap promoted a workshop for new members of Youhmappers Esalq/USP who were starting in the Brazilian chapter in the city of São Paulo - Brazil.

Umbraosm - union of Brazilian mappers from Openstreetmap promoted a training workshop for the youhmappers group ESALQ/USP - Brazil, with Prof. Rodrigo Smarzaro, member of Youhtmappers UFV teaching the theoretical part and Raphael de Assis President Member of UMBRAOSM and Member of the Brazilian Community of OSM teaching the Practical Part in Editor ID.

YouTube link to the collaborative mapping talk.

youhmappers ESALQ/USP Youhtmappers UFV UMBRAOSM

UMBRAOSM - Union of Brazilian openstreetmap mappers

Location: -23,574, -46,647


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