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Mapping and Geoprocessing Course with QGIS (online / 100% Free)

Posted by umbraosmbr on 9 February 2024 in English. Last updated on 11 February 2024.

Mapping and Geoprocessing Course with QGIS (online / 100% Free)

Curso de Mapeamento e Geoprocessamento com QGIS (on-line / 100%


This is an extension project of the Geography Course at UNESPAR (State University of Paraná), with the purpose of qualifying participants in mapping and geoprocessing using QGIS. This course is certified (up to 60 hours, according to participation) and in this way, we wish to bring knowledge to teachers, researchers, students and the community in general, always in need of new skills to assume their space in the workplace.


  • Have a computer (with good storage and processing capacity) with internet access;

  • Have basic computer knowledge (know how to unzip a folder in Windows, copy and paste procedures, etc.);

  • Be able to attend online classes on Sunday mornings (once a week). Set aside one day a week to watch the theoretical video lessons and practice;

participate in a TELEGRAM group, to ask questions and receive information relevant to the classes (invitation link;

  • Participate in the (online) classroom;

  • It is recommended to use a handheld mouse.

DATA: From March 10th to May 19th, Every day from 9:00 am to 11:30 am

Horário of Brasilia.

Trata-se de um projeto de extensão do Curso de Geografia da UNESPAR (Universidade Estadual do Paraná), com o propósito de qualificar os participantes no mapeamento e geoprocessamento com uso do QGIS. Este curso é certificado (até 60 horas, de acordo com a participação) e desta forma, desejamos levar conhecimentos a docentes, pesquisadores, discentes e comunidade em geral, sempre carente de novas competências para assumir seu espaço no lugar de trabalho.


  • ter um computador (com boa capacidade de armazenamento e processamento) com acesso à internet;

  • ter conhecimento básico em informática (saber como se descompacta uma pasta no windows, procedimentos de copiar e colar, etc.);

  • poder assistir aula on-line aos domingos de manhã (uma vez por semana). Reserve um dia da semana para assistir às videoaulas teóricas e praticar;

  • participar de grupo do TELEGRAM, para tirar dúvidas e receber informações pertinentes às aulas (link convite;

  • participar de sala de aula (on-line), o classroom;

  • recomenda-se usar mouse de mão.

DATA: De 10 Março a 19 de Maio, Todos os dias das 09:00hs às 11:30hs

Horário de Brasília.


Comment from ivanbranco on 9 February 2024 at 21:03

Hi, the registration link gives me an error page: “Event not found!”

Comment from umbraosmbr on 11 February 2024 at 16:10

Hello, good afternoon!

Here is an updated link to register for the Collaborative Mapping with OpenStreetMap course


Comment from MatthiasMatthias on 12 February 2024 at 22:05

Thank you for sharing. The course is helt in Portuguese or in English?

Comment from umbraosmbr on 12 February 2024 at 22:26

hello goodnight!

The course will be in Brazilian Portuguese.


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