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A Better Calendar for OSM

Posted by thomersch on 8 December 2019 in English.

Some of you already know about OpenStreetMap Calendar: A better OSM calendar for those of us who don’t want to wrestle the Wiki. It arose from raubraupe’s clean up efforts last year.

The Wiki-based calendar is a very brittle endeavour: Editing tables is not everyone’s favourite thing, especially on mobile. Finding a relevant event close-by is also not that great. That’s why OSMCAL is supposed to serve everyone, even without access to a large-display computer.

With OSMCAL you can put everything in one place: Date and time, specific location (we even have maps!), description and you can even indicate that you’re joining the event.

We want to make the transition as smooth as possible: raubraupe has kickstarted it by copying the events from the Wiki, but we want to get more people onboard and someday hopefully switch away from the Wiki-based calendar completely. That’s where we need your help: If you are hosting an event, put it on OSMCAL. If you have some spare time, try to copy events from the Wiki. If you are participating in events, add yourself to them (you don’t need a new account, just use your OSM login). You can also get reminded by using our iCal function.

By the way, if you want to stay updated on events, you can use the RSS feeds. Give it a try!

— Thomas


Comment from EditConscript on 18 January 2020 at 06:44

half, einige Ereignisse auf die OSMCAL-Vision zu übertragen

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