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East Limerick

Posted by tbibby on 21 September 2009 in English.

A cycling holiday in Northern France offered a chance to map a good bit of the cycle route LF1 up to Boulogne-sur-Mer. It is actually quite well signposted, and recommended for a good (easy) cycle route.

East Co. Limerick is looking more and more good now, thanks to a few other contributors. One year ago it was completely blank! Inspired by other users' more comprehensive mapping techniques, am trying to do some of the cul-de-sacs and very minor roads. Have started to add a few more POIs but a lot lot more to do. Would like to tackle one or two of the county towns like Kilmallock or Cappamore and do them comprehensively. Also need to find a good way of marking POIs -- can't seem to figure out an easy way to do it with my current mapping tools (Nokia phone with built in GPS and SportsTracker).

On the Limerick City front, did all the little roads off the North Circular, need to work northwards. Had GPS on rear carrier and trace was all over the place -- not sure if that was due to uber-leafy suburbs or my behind getting in the way.

Location: Stonetown, Castle C, The Metropolitan District of Limerick City, Limerick, County Limerick, Munster, Ireland


Comment from drlizau on 21 September 2009 at 23:17

Does the Nokia phone have a camera? I photograph POIs at walking place and georeference the photos, then open it all in JOSM to add the POIs

Comment from textlijn on 21 September 2009 at 23:54

I'm using the Qstarz BT-Q1000X travel recorder to import tracks into OSM. The Qstarz has a more modern and better GPS chip than the widely used SirfStar III. POI's are recorded by pressing a button. You can view the POI's in JOSM as well as in a program supplied with the Qstarz. That program also has the possibility to combine it (by time stamp) with the photo's you made.

Try to get the GPS receiver to the far most rear of your bike, for example by putting it in a bag. I noticed that carrying it in a coat or something other in close proximity to your body causes interference in the reception of the sattelites creating mistakes in tracking of 2 till 10 meters.

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