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OAM-QGIS-plugin: Project setup and research

Posted by tassia on 5 June 2015 in English. Last updated on 26 June 2015.

Basic project setup

Coding guidelines:

  1. Use qtcreator for GUI layout/development and for defining most of the common signals/slots for the GUI components
  2. Do not change any generated code directly but create a subclass and then override/extend it, to keep our code and the automatically generated code separated
  3. Use QgisPluginCreator that has some basics setup (eg. internationalzation support)
  4. Package any external python modules as part of the plugin

Research summary

OpenAerialMap (OAM) is an open service that will provide storage and search within a collection of openly licensed satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery. OAM will facilitate the processing and provision of imagery for humanitarian response and disaster preparedness, making it easier to determine what imagery is available and where it is. [OAM Catalog] ( will be used for indexing and OAM Browser for searching.

A blog post from DevSeed introduces the beta version of this service which is already available.

The Open Imagery Network (OIN) is a consortium and specification of imagery providers led by HOT and Planet [1]. Imagery indexes from all participating providers will be merged into the main OIN index through a GitHub repository. Providers will host an index of all their dataset and add the URI to the main OIN index in GitHub.

The OAM Server will be responsible for processing data directly from providers of aerial imagery or from existing Open Imagery Network (OIN) nodes [2]. Once a new imagery is uploaded, the Server will trigger a tile engine instance to create a tiled map service and save it to a specific storage (eg. S3 bucket). It will also create the needed metadata and submit it to the OAM catalog to be indexed and easily searcheable. Check specifications for OAM metadata and OIN metadata for more details. Each stored image will carry such metadata.

The development of the OAM server is schedule for the period between June 15h and August 15th 2015 [3]. Gitter chat is used as the main channel of communication with weekly meetings on Thursdays at 18h00 UTC.

There are so many new terms involved in this work that having a list of acronyms will give a hand to our lazy memory.




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