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Posted by skimua on 6 July 2013 in Russian (Русский).

Notes is a new (04/23/2013) feature of the website. Visitors can now “Add a note” to the map in order to easily mark errors in the map data. This feature is only intended for discussions about the map data, and not for general purpose notes like “I was here on Saturday” or “There was a crime at this location”. All notes are always publicly visible to anyone. To submit a new note, or comment on a note, it is not necessary to log-in or have an OSM account, but it is beneficial to do so. Notes are intended as a two way communication, and the ability for a mapper to ask for more details if necessary to resolve the issue is important. Logged-in users will automatically get an email notification if comments were added to a note or the issue was resolved.

о как


Comment from aseerel4c26 on 8 July 2013 at 02:02

Hmm, why do you copy the wiki page text to your diary?!

Comment from skimua on 8 July 2013 at 04:29

just remember to find android app which work with note fine.

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