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New Slippy Map

Posted by robotnic on 8 December 2008 in English.

Hi all

I made a new Slippy Map.
The new thing is, that it's possible to zoom in an out very fast.
At least at my computer it works excellent.

Turn your mouse wheel at:

On my 1 GHz Celeron Laptop it zooms with about 15 frames/second.

I tested it with Firefox 2.0, Internet Explorer 6.0 (Linus/Wine - strange error with missing tiles), Opera, Konqueror (no wheel mouse support) Ubuntu Linux.

Keycodes, mouse scrollspeed, ... are maybe different on different system - it's a beta version.

Feedback is welcome.



Comment from DrMark on 8 December 2008 at 23:28

Yes, that's very impressive.

You might consider to give a fast scroll, maybe, also & , if you want even more work to do :)

Well done!


Comment from Alexander Hunziker on 8 December 2008 at 23:31

Yes, zooms very nicely. I think though it should snap to the zoom levels as they are rendered -- the maps don't look good if they aren't shown pixel-to-pixel.

Comment from robotnic on 8 December 2008 at 23:50

Fast scroll works very well on my computer.
There is an extra speed boost if you turn the mouse wheel very fast.
On my computer I have a mouse wheel area on my touchpad and that can be very different to real mouse wheel.

If you hold the ALT-Key it zooms 10 times faster now if you turn the wheel.

Comment from robotnic on 8 December 2008 at 23:57

snap to zoom:


If you use doubleclick it snaps to a good looking zoom levels.

I know, that's a problem - but how to solve it? It's not a question of how to do the javascript code, it's a usability question.

Comment from patrickhanft on 9 December 2008 at 04:35

Hey, it really looks great. But on the other hand it lacks my favourite feature of the current openlayers slippy map, which is the "hold Shift and drag a rectangle with mouse button pressed around the area you wish to zoom into". Maybe that could be added?

Comment from wallclimber21 on 9 December 2008 at 05:54

Works nice on my MacMini, except that the mouse scroll wheel doesn't work

Comment from HannesHH on 9 December 2008 at 10:22

Very nice!
I agree about the scroll-zoom being too slow. With ALT it is perfect for me.
Also I agree that snapping to the zoomlevels would be great. The soft zoom is a sweet effect (always missed it).

(I never knew about the Shift-Drag zoom selection for the normal slippy map, that is awesome.)
When holding Shift on yours I get rectangles being drawn and no way to stop them. :)

Comment from Alexander Hunziker on 9 December 2008 at 12:01

Can you force the browsers to use bilinear scaling instead of the default nearest neighbour?

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