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All Mapbox users, using an access token from their own account, are allowed to create derivatives from Mapbox Satellite for contribution to OpenStreetMap via manual or automated processes for free.


  • All extractions must be non-commerical or OSM-improving. Examples:
    • an academic researcher could use the imagery for a non-OSM use
    • a company or individual could use the imagery for adding to OSM
  • All use of this service is subject to the Mapbox TOS, with a link to our TOS.
  • If you have another purpose for your extractions, get in touch with us via
  • You’ll need to have a Mapbox account and to use a token from your Mapbox account for all your ML requests. This will help us interpret any traffic issues and communicate with you if they come up.
  • Safe rate limit for downloading satellite tiles is 100 request per second. If you want to exceed that rate, please reach out to .

Whether powered by machine learning or not, we’d love to hear about your imagery use cases. And as always, if you have any questions, please reach out to us!


Comment from imagico on 18 May 2018 at 17:28

And the question of all questions which has been asked many times by the OSM community for many years remains: when will Mapbox provide metadata for their satellite images?

It is after all not that automated analysis would not profit from knowing about date and time of acquisition (and preferably also sun and viewing direction) to correctly interpret images.

Comment from jremillard on 19 May 2018 at 18:04

That is great news that it is official. Thanks!

Comment from pratikyadav on 22 May 2018 at 16:24

Thanks for bringing this up, imagico. We do reconsider this question periodically, but for now the answer is that we don’t have pixel-level metadata on the roadmap. We’ll make an announcement if that changes.

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