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pizzaiolo's Diary

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Case in point:

It’s a bakery set up by anarchists and it is self-managed. There are also examples of self-managed coops, for which I can’t find documentation on the wiki. It’s also worth debating whether it would be useful to differentiate between coops and more generally worked-owned establishments.

What are you views on it?

Casas de sucos

Posted by pizzaiolo on 15 January 2015 in English.

English below

No Rio de Janeiro (e talvez noutras cidades do mundo), existem lanchonetes especificamente voltadas para sucos, as chamadas casas de sucos. Me pergunto como seria a melhor forma de marcar no OSM estabelecimentos deste tipo. Talvez amenity=fast_food e cuisine=juice?

Alguém tem alguma ideia a respeito?

In Rio de Janeiro (and perhaps other cities worldwide), there are snack bars specifically focused on juices, known as “casas de sucos” (lit.: juice houses). I wonder what would be the best way to tag such establishments on OSM. Perhaps amenity=fast_food and cuisine=juice?

Anyone has thoughts on this?