has been changed to Zelenski lane.
Sorry about the date, 00:00 means to me the next day. has been changed to Zelenski lane.
Sorry about the date, 00:00 means to me the next day.
The mapping of AEDs in Flanders is of poor quality. These last years I improved and corrected it. Mapping AEDs without mapillary is setting death traps. For this conviction I received insults, stupid comments and proposals.
We were a few hundred AEDs away from total coverage. I wanted to update OSM with notes asking for mapillary from the monthly official list. The community did not want this.
But that is not all.
When I have mapped an AED perfectly the mutilation begins.
They snap it to the wall, they add tags that they cannot explain.
They make the mapillary key unusable.
By doing so, they make my maintenance work difficult.
This is also sad for the few good men who mapped well.
It is the time of the year to check them.
The area between Brussels and Antwerp, between highway A12 and highway E19/railroad 25 is the biggest and the best mapillarized area in the world.
I revisited Antwerp City and to my surprise drinking water fountains had appeared.
I checked the data from the city and found it to be rather good. Not so in Brussels.
The markers collapse too soon or expand too late for the map to be useful. But the coordinates are very precise. I wished there was a method to copy them in OSM. Anyway thanks to yours truly, OSM is now much better than the official map.
I don’t like the new drinking water fountains. They are of concrete and metal with a low and a high faucet. You can only drink from them. The advantage is that they do not necessarily need a gutter.
Strangely there is a blind spot on the map to the south of this fountain.
I do not doubt that most of the Antwerp drinking water fountains will work in the summer. Not so in Brussels. But I cannot set their stateofrepair to OK without revisiting them. That can easily be done in the app “Drinkingwaterfountains”. Yes folks, some people map drinking water fountains in the summer without checking if they work.
The Province of Antwerp, or some of its politicians have always been strong advocates for drinking water fountains in their recreational parks and along the main bicycle ways. But the place of those fountains is their best kept secret. “The drinking water company is also involved”, they say.
I still have to resolve three notes, and then I am sure hat I have a 95 % accurate picture of the whole province.
Or I could place notes all over the place. No don’t worry, I am not that silly. But my three notes might not be visible between all the old and silly notes.
A bicycle “highway” is being built between Antwerp and Brussels. Guess what ?
Yes, I checked where a cyclist could have a drink for free.
The best place for someone dying from thirst between Antwerp and Brussels might be a graveyard or a petrol station.
You can see it all on Mapillary.
Last year some ornamental drinking water fountains in Brussels, suffering from scoliosis gave so little water that I hardly dared send anyone to them to drink. I decided to go the scientific way and measure their flow rate. I took four samples, the rest I saw to be OK. The worst gave 0.11 l/m of water per faucet.
The biggest blind spot in Brussels is the Oude Graanmarkt. With two not working drinking water fountains and a fountain on the ground. I decided to ask the local drinking water company if this water is drinkable. But as some drinking water fountains were restored this year, I checked first. And, Holy Moses, drinking water came out of the broken fountain, in abundance.
I changed the status with the app “Drinkingwaterfountains”. Yes folks, some people map drinking water fountains and do not check if water comes out of it. A precise location or picture is recommended to find them as our drinking water fountains live an inconspicuous life.
I nevertheless wanted to know if all fountains in Brussels provide drinkable water. Usually there is no mark on them. I presented myself at the water distribution company as the big expert (is there a complicated word for that ?). But after talking to three people, including the receptionist, I gave up. I don’t want to pass the rest of my life trying to find out who is responsible for the fountains in Brussels.
It is my opinion that those ornamental drinking water fountains should be melted down.
Yesterday I saw that the hospital in construction in Mechelen looked like a real hospital on the map, though it was surrounded with an area “landuse=construction”. As I am a beginner I dared not change this. I placed a note, and as this area on the map is not a canvas for notes pointillism yet, it was quickly discovered and corrected by a more experienced mapper.
I am proud to have carefully mapped and checked all drinking water fountains inside the Brussels Large Ring road. I have mapped also some toilets, without pursuing completeness.
After consulting the forum, I have accepted to add incomplete information to OSM.
I live in Mechelen and work in Brussels.
I do Mozilla Stumbler, Mapillary and a little OSM.
In OSM I mainly maintain the notes for Brussels. I take picture for mappers. I do not do too much effort to resolve bad notes. I am not going to Google Search to understand what the lodger means. So I delete most of them. This is mainly because OSM allows notes to be made by people who are not logged in, and this for publicity reasons.