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Netherland housenumber evaluation available

Data source for the Netherland housenumberlists

A nationwide housenumberlist is available together with a lot of more data at NLExtract. Fortunately, they deliver the content with easier access as a NLExtract database, updates come roughly once in a month.

After installation of the database locally, i export only the housenumberlists and import them into the housenumber evaluation database on my webserver

Up to now, my plan is to update the official housenumberlist about 4 times in a year.

Numbers about all housenumbers in Netherland

After filtering duplicate housenumbers, there are 8.254.736 housenumbers in 393 municipalities in Netherland.

Overview about the last nationwide housenumberlist evaluation

I have some municipalites, which still don’t work automatically in the evaluation process (different municipality names to the OSM names), so i evaluated 387 municipalites with officially 8.020.125 housenumbers and found 7.736.631 housenumbers in OSM (thats 96.47%). Another 202.863 housenumbers are not on the official lists, but exists in OSM.

Graphical overview of the evaluations

Best starting point should be the Map Overview.

On the map, you can click in a municipality area and get the evaluation overview for the municipality and most times also for a subarea within the municipality. The names have a link to switch to the table view of the evaluation with detailed information for every streets and its housenumbers.

Select a municipality for detailed information

An another way to select a municipality evaluation can be found at the municipality overview page.

At the top, click on „Netherland“, then you come to the starting point for all municipalites, which are sorted by dutch provinces. When you click on a muncipality name, you come to the page, where you select the municipality evaluation (first line in the pull down list) or one, some or all of its subarea evaluations (if the municipality has subareas in OSM).

Below the selection, you can change some settings for the evaluation page, but the standard settings should work first time.

Click on „start“ to show the evaluation table view page.

Evaluation table view page

In the left top area, you get the information, when the evaluation run last time and which timestamp the OSM data had.

In the right top area, you find information about the source of the housenumberlist data, a link to the data source license text and below some links for special features, which are not important for first time.

The only valuable link at first time is the link after the text „in OSM still missing housenumbers:“ where you get all housenumbers, which are still missing in OSM, together with its coodinates. The page can be saved locally as a file with .osm extension and can be opened within Josm.

Below the header area, a table with all streets will be showed and for every street you find the housenumbers, which are in the official list and if they also exists in OSM, which are still missing and which are only in OSM. The last ones could be typing errors in an osm editor, but they also could be very new housenumbers, found by osm users.

At the bottom of the page, you find the sums of all columns.

With the standard settings, the streets have a link to show on the web page and all housenumbers in columns „identical“ and „only in osm“ have links to view on web page or in the popup dialog the link to show the housenumber directly in Josm (the editor must be running and accept remote control).

Special evaluation situation in Netherland

The standard evaluations works in the way, that a housenumber together with its street name will be checked between the official list and the data in OSM.

In Netherland, a lot of streets are differently written in the official lists versus in OSM, so for example, the street „Burgemeester Gerritsenstraat„ in OSM, has been written as „Burg. Gerritsenstraat“ in the official list. This example can be viewed on the Sluis evaluation page.

An earlier housenumber evaluation for Netherland was not very sucessfully therefor, but a Dutch OSM Mapper gave me the hint, that in Netherland, the postal code together with a housenumber is unique (thanks a lot to Johan!). After some time of work to enhance the evaluation engine for this case, the evaluation works now very fine.

Some bugs on the evaluation table view page

Some side effects for the new added postal code in evaluation process are still active. In the example above, you will find in the evaluation page two lines for the one street. One line with the OSM version of the name and all housenumbers only appear in the column „only in osm“ (this is wrong) and in a second line, the official name appears and has correctly filled columns. This effect doesn’t effect the evaluation result data, but is a little bit confusing. I try to fix this shortly.

Another point is, that normaly a housenumber will be showed only one time in a street line. If the streets exists more than one time in the muncipality area, like „Dorpstraat“ in the Sluis Evaluation, you see some housenumbers more than one time. This occurs, because the Dorpstraat exists in several subareas of the municipality and every „Dorpstraat 1“ has a different postal code. I must change something to show this different streets more transparently, for example one line for every streets together with its postal code?

Another nice situation can happen (seen in Leiderdorp: in street „Simon Smitweg“, the housenumber 1 can be seen both in column „identical“, but also two times in column „only in OSM“. In this case, three parking areas have this address, but with different postal codes. In the official list, there is only one housenumber with one postal code. I assume, this is an error in OSM data.

Evaluation rhythm for the future for Netherland

I still didn’t activate it on a regularly base. At next Thursday (23th of April), i try to let it run to find out, how long it will run completly for Netherland on the evaluation server. After the experience, the rhythm and perhaps different update times for the provines will be published on the housenumber evaluation starting page.

In the future, i try to add an „start instant evaluation“ button on the evaluation table view page to request a new evaluation immediately. But i must be aware, that some OSM guys could press this button too often, so i have to take a litte care on this feature ;)

A word for language localisation

On most of the housenumber evaluation pages, you can select the language in the upper right corner of the page (you only need to set it once). Up to now, there are only the languages german, english and brazialian portugese available. It you want to add another language, like dutch or french, please contact me, i show you the way to localize the dialog texts in a text file.

End of the story

I hope, this evaluation for whole Netherland will help you a little bit, when you add or change housenumber data in OSM in Netherland.

If you find problems or errors that are not described above, let me know. You can send me a OSM PM to user Okilimu or a mail to strassenliste(at) Change (at) with @ in the mail address field.

Location: De Kwakel, Uithoorn, North Holland, Netherlands


Comment from Sanderd17 on 20 April 2015 at 12:03

I see you also do validation for Flanders, but that most of those have a very low percentage. Any idea how that comes?

F.e. for Staden (which is the most yellow one in West-Flanders), the percentage you give is 85%, while on my tool it’s 95.7% (

But worse are the neighbouring municipalities, like in Langemark-Poelkapelle, you give around 20% (not sure why you split up between Langemark and Poelkapelle, it’s one municipality), while my tool gives 99.4% (

Note that in Belgium, housenumbers are not unique inside a postal code, but streetnames are unique inside a postal code, and housenumber are unique inside a street. Postal codes map one-to-one with municipalities most of the time. Only big municipalities have more postal codes.

So we do need to compare streetnames, and take abbreviations into account. But you can check out all code and data here:

Comment from Sanderd17 on 20 April 2015 at 13:22

Oh sorry, I didn’t notice the OSM date. It looks like the Flemish OSM data is from December 2014, then those percentages can be correct indeed.

Comment from okilimu on 20 April 2015 at 14:26

Hello Sanderd17,

my evaluation for Belgium shows the situation in OSM worse, than it is. The biggest reason is, that i didn’t care about streetnames with name both in flamish and french together, so the streetnames didn’t hit too often.

A lesson learned from Netherland evluation was, that i should look deeper in different address structure both in official lists and so in OSM, too.

The next step is to get actual housenumber lists update for the countries Poland and Belgium, enhance the evaluation process and then offer new evaluations, which should run after that in a evaluation rhythm.

Thanks for you information about the streetname and postal code situation and even so for the github project. Its one of my next steps, to allow nationwide and even municipality specific streetname normalisation and replacements.

I can’t offer a date, when i have a new belgium evaluation, but i first want to support better evaluations before i add new countries for evaluations.

Thanks a lot, Dietmar

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