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Mapper since:
June 10, 2007
Last map edit:
July 26, 2024

Hi, thanks for stopping by! My name is Martijn van Exel. I have been contributing to OSM as a mapper, community organizer and developer since 2007. I was on the OSMF board between 2015 and 2018 and on the OSM US board between 2012 and 2021. I created MapRoulette, the open source micro-tasking tool, and maintain some smaller OSM-related open source software projects. I run OpenStreetMap Utah. We hold monthly events where local mappers meet up. I have presented at many OSM conferences on a variety of topics. YouTube has some recordings.

Currently, I work full-time as a software engineer at Geosite.

You can message me here or in the OSM US Slack. If you happen to be in the Salt Lake City area, please drop me a line, I love to meet OSMers from everywhere!

I am on Mastodon.

Current mapping interests

Cleaning up after old imports, particularly TIGER, is an enduring pastime. With State of the Map US coming to Salt Lake City, I am doing more micro-mapping of the University of Utah campus.

Other OSM things I currently work on

Organizing meetups! Helping out a little with SOTM US 2024. Making sure MapRoulette keeps going in a good direction.

My contributions to OSM in any form are on personal title unless otherwise stated.