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mataharimhairi's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by mataharimhairi

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Some Accounts Made Many Crossing Ways and Buildings at OSM Data in Jakarta, Indonesia

Hello Fedrerik,

Thank you for working with the team in Indonesia through the OSMF Data Working Group, to address the editing issues that came up in Jakarta:

As with most cases, generally when edits are made in OSM that ‘lessen’ the quality of the data, these are done unintentionally and just need to be worked on together. So thank you to everyone that is helping to guide these efforts according to the community expectation.

Let me know how I can assist with anything or if anyone else would like to get in touch with me, please contact me at, as one of the managers of the HOT InAWARE project in Indonesia.

Kind regards,


Initial activity and retention of first-time HOT contributors

Thanks for this fantastic study! Your investigation and analysis have backed up my own personal presumptions in regards to the contributions made by the amazing volunteers. It is extremely insightful and very beneficial to see where HOT and the OSM community should be targeting our efforts to assist mappers both newcomers and experts.