Clean up the "fixme's" around you!
Posted by marczoutendijk on 30 November 2016 in English. Last updated on 15 February 2019.The fixme=* tag is often used to give other mappers an indication that something needs more research (or it is a “note to self”) .
All too often it stays at that point and no one ever cares any more about such a request for improvement. I found out that roughly more than half of the fixme’s is at least 2 years old.
I wrote a simple overpass query with some stylesheets attached which shows the text of the fixme immediately on the map.
Click on the link above, locate the map to your neighbourhood and hit the run button.
Is there something you can fix? Please do so and remove the “fixme”
For the centre of London, this is the result:
The overpass query searches for nodes with a fixme=, but you can easily change it to finding ways instead.
And if you want to locate all note= tagging, simply replace “fixme” with “note” in the script.
Comment from SomeoneElse on 30 November 2016 at 22:23
… and for the ones that need a physical survey, (shameless plug) will let you create a GPX file for a Garmin handheld for local surveying or both notes and fixmes.
Comment from GinaroZ on 30 November 2016 at 22:38
Fixme-tagged items are also highlighted in keep right!
Comment from CloCkWeRX on 30 November 2016 at 23:46
Pretty snazzy
Comment from marczoutendijk on 1 December 2016 at 09:11
@GinaroZ: I know, but you still have to click on each individual fixme to find out what it is. Of course my London example is a bit crowded, but if you zoom in, it’s easy to see in one view what has to be fixed and if it is something within your control.
BTW, my own OpenPoiMap has the same possibilites as Keepright when it comes to finding fixme’s.
Comment from RobJN on 3 December 2016 at 10:47
Thanks. Lots to do though and we (the OSM UK community) are looking at Fixme/Notes as our next quarterly project:
Comment from GinaroZ on 4 December 2016 at 21:51
@RobJN that would be a good quarterly project, though maybe better for spring/summer when people are more likely to get out and about to survey things?
Would be nice if there was a better way to keep track of all the Fixme/Notes though. Something where you could add extra info and sort by category, eg construction/future developments, shops, road names, etc.
Comment from aseerel4c26 on 8 December 2016 at 22:05
Thank you, that’s useful! :-) Easier to read that in keepright (which I used previously for this task).