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Calling all passionate mappers, open data enthusiasts, and geospatial innovators!

We’re thrilled to announce that the State of Map Kerala 2024 is just around the corner, and we’re extending the deadline for our Call for Proposals!

Do you have a story to tell? An OSM mapping project to showcase? Expertise in open data or geospatial technology to share? We want to hear from YOU! SotM Kerala Call for proposals extended

This is your chance to:
* Inspire the OSM Kerala community with your insights, experiences, and skills.
* Connect with fellow mappers and build valuable connections.
* Showcase your work on a platform dedicated to open mapping and open data.

We’re looking for proposals for:

  1. Lightning Talks (7 minutes): Short, impactful presentations to spark discussion.
  2. Talks (20 minutes): In-depth dives into specific topics related to OSM, open data, or geospatial innovation.
  3. Workshops (120 minutes): Interactive sessions that provide hands-on learning experiences.

Potential Topics (but not limited to!):
* OSM mapping projects, tools, and best practices
* Open data for social impact, disaster resilience, and environmental protection
* Advancing OSM through data quality, innovation, and technology
* Creative and impactful ideas around open geospatial data

Let’s come together to build a stronger, more vibrant open mapping community in Kerala!

Submit your proposal by November 10th, 2024: Link to Proposal Form

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of SotM Kerala 24!

Location: Pookode, Vythiri, Wayanad, Kerala, 673576, India


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