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Waymarked Trails goes OpenTopoMap

Posted by lonvia on 7 June 2017 in English.

Waymarked Trails is the map for all things route - hiking, cycling, skating and horse riding. It has been a long standing wish of many users to have hillshading and contours on the map. So last week the site has received a new feature that allows you to choose a different base map. The first addition to the available base layers is OpenTopoMap, a beautiful map crafted in spirit of German topological maps. To try it out, go to the settings menu (the little cockwheel on the bottom of the page) and choose the new base map from the drop down menu.

Many thanks to the friendly folks from OpenTopoMap for all their work creating the map and for allowing Waymarked Trails to offer it as a base layer.


Comment from andy mackey on 8 June 2017 at 09:42

I been mapping footpaths along with some other stuff for several years now. This is the best walkers version of OSM i have seen so far and it will display a GPX excellent! it’s clear with good contrast and contours as well. I then noticed that there are Garmin files as well I have just downloaded a GB one for my Oregon 450, the download was quick ( 5 minutes or so ) and seemed to be unzipped automatically? is it was already an .img file . i have put that and the contours on the a micro SD and that looks fine and clear ( is doesn’t have lots of dark coloured backgrounds which a lot of versions have which are bad for viewing ways and routes). Well done all and thankyou. Happy Mapping

Comment from ToniE on 8 June 2017 at 10:08

Thanks to you too, Sarah for developing, hosting, maintaining “Waymarked Trails”. A great, the best place to search for trails!

And of course thanks to OpenTopoMap for adding this feature.


Comment from alan_gr on 8 June 2017 at 21:44

Great news, I already used Waymarked Trails frequently to research hiking routes and this makes it even better. It is especially satisfying to see trails I haved added to OSM myself displayed so nicely. Well done to all involved and keep up the good work.

Comment from zstadler on 18 June 2017 at 05:50

OSM Israel has 2 maps for hiking and biking. We would be happy to see them as additional base maps for Waymarked Trails.

See the Github readme for Tile URLs.

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