Crap, changeset creation error after 30 minutes tracing riverways in Paka
Rage… Fuuu*88
*damn, I always forget to save periodically even after I reminded myself to save periodically. And periodically, this happened
Crap, changeset creation error after 30 minutes tracing riverways in Paka
Rage… Fuuu*88
*damn, I always forget to save periodically even after I reminded myself to save periodically. And periodically, this happened
Comment from Vincent de Phily on 16 December 2015 at 10:45
Out of curiosity: why Potlatch nowadays ? Just because you’re used to it ?
Comment from SomeoneElse on 16 December 2015 at 16:36
You’ve probably seen it already, but just in case not - should be fixed now:
As an aside, @Vincent%20de%20Phily - one of the reasons that I personally don’t use JOSM for “normal” mapping is that I capture everything in a GPX trace (most information as waypoints), and it’s difficult or impossible to do anything useful with that information in JOSM. There are a bunch of questions that I asked about this sort of thing ages ago - see the questions at that are unanswered (or have an answer of “you can’t”) and are tagged JOSM. It’s possible that JOSM functionality has caught up since those were asked, of course. The main problem for me though is that JOSM’s default UI just makes simple things (e.g. seeing object tags, viewing relations in the map view) very difficult or clumsy to do. I suspect that it might be able possible to play around with CSS to address some of the “what things look like” issues, but I’ve never needed to fix the problems as for me a better alternative already exists.
Comment from kucai on 16 December 2015 at 17:17
I use JOSM at home, but sometimes I hang out at internet cafes to download stuff ( a wee bit faster internet connection compared to the unreliable n quite costly home mobile broadband). So, while waiting for stuff to download, I fire up potlatch for quick editing. can’t stand iD though, too clumsy for me.
Comment from Richard on 16 December 2015 at 17:32
The changeset error has been fixed - an upgrade to the server software unexpectedly affected Potlatch. Sorry for the hassle.
Vincent: why not?
Comment from Vincent de Phily on 16 December 2015 at 18:22
Answered one of you JOSM question on h.o.o :)
Never thought about displaying misc GPX attributes, but now that you mention it, it would be usefull and I didn’t find a way to do it (outside of preprocessing the file. Same behavior in iD (actually even less details displayed), and the only way I managed to open a gpx file in P2 is using the task button but it’s arguably even less usefull ?
To each his own for viewing object tags and relations, I very much dislike iD’s UI for this, and feel that P2’s advanced (aka usable :p) view is pretty much the same as JOSM’s.
I cetainly don’t want to press people into using this or that editor, I was just curious about P2 because I thought that JOSM and iD and Vespucci already catered nicely to most usecases.
Comment from Vincent de Phily on 16 December 2015 at 18:29
@Richard P2 works fine and it’s great to have, it’s just that I don’t see much advantage to it compared with the other two.
This is more a “tell my why P2 is great, what am I missing” question than a “you should use FooEdit instead” advice.
Comment from Vincent de Phily on 16 December 2015 at 18:30
An by “other two” I meant level0 and merkaartor of course :p
Comment from Richard on 16 December 2015 at 19:35
A handful of things, all in my obviously highly biased opinion:
Broadly speaking, for me P2 offers all the power I need but without a complex interface. When you say “I don’t see much advantage to it compared with the other two”, I’d say the same but the other way round - I don’t see much, or indeed any, advantage to JOSM compared with the lighter and simpler P2. That’s for my type of editing, of course, which is principally roads/cycleways/etc. rather than buildings, and principally rural rather than cities; and I’m sure that many people have editing requirements that P2 doesn’t fulfil. P2 is really bad at fast worldwide tagfiddling, for example - JOSM is the unchallenged champion there. ;)
Comment from AkuAnakTimur on 17 December 2015 at 17:24
Sedihnya :(