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OpenArdenneMap goes on QGIS

Posted by juminet on 2 March 2023 in English.

Note: il y a une version française ici

From 2019, the cartographic style OpenArdenneMap is updated every 6 months. OpenArdenneMap is a cartographic style for topographic maps based on OSM data. Here are some notes for the last version.

OpenArdenneMap goes on QGIS

OpenArdenneMap was originally developed as a cartographic style with the imposm importer and a cartoCSS style derived from OSMBright. Later the osm2pgsqlimporter was used instead of the imposm. From 2023, the OpenArdenneMap is also available in QGIS, using the same osm2pgsqlimporter for building the map layers.

The tools used for making maps have some influence on the cartographic style itself. The aim of this QGIS support is to reproduce the same feeling than the maps produced with the Mapnik/cartoCSS style, even though the 2 solutions are not 100% equivalent.

Although it still requires a postGIS database, the QGIS style is much simpler to use for composing maps at various scales than the Mapnik/cartoCSS one. It was also much simpler to set up.

Here’s an extract with Mapnik

OpenArdenneMap extract with Mapnik

And here with QGIS:

OpenArdenneMap extract with QGIS

And now some key findings when moving this style from Mapnik/cartoCSS to QGIS.

Much more simple rules for scaling in QGIS

QGIS supports the use of geographic units for defining the sizes of symbols (meters at scale, map units), whereas Mapnik/cartoCSS, as far as I know, only deals with pixels units. It means that, in QGIS, you can define a size which will be depending on the map scale. This is really useful for very high map scale (i.e., > 1:10000), where some elements such as road widths can take their “real” size on the map. For the same effect in Mapnik, we have to define different widths for every zoom level.

Use of QGIS variables

A key advantage of using Mapnik and cartoCSS is that we can define variables that are used throughout the project, typically for some dimensioning variables and colors. Hopefully, we can also define variables in a QGIS project (Go to Project > Properties > Variables) and use them in the style definitions.

Use filtered full Postgis table filtered vs SQL layers

The same layers used in Mapnik were used as QGIS layers. Often, these layers are not just some filters applied to a “planet_osm_points/lines/polygons” table but they do some data transformation. For instance, the layer for water labels is as follows:

SELECT way, waterway AS type, replace(name, 'Ruisseau', 'Rau') AS name FROM planet_osm_line WHERE waterway IN ('canal', 'river', 'stream') AND name IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT ST_LineMerge(ST_ApproximateMedialAxis(ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(ST_MakePolygon(ST_ExteriorRing(way)), 50))) AS way, water AS type, replace(replace(name, 'Etang', 'Étg'), 'Étang', 'Étg') AS name FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE water IN ('pond', 'lake', 'basin', 'reservoir') AND name IS NOT NULL AND way_area > 10000

which combines linear ways from planet_osm_line with lines created from planet_osm_polygon using a bunch of PostGIS functions (ST_ApproximateMedialAxis, etc.).

These PostGIS queries were just defined as layers in the QGIS DB manager and then added to the map.

However, for some performances issues, it seems easier to filter directly from a PostGIS layer from the DB rather than defining a new SQL layer with the DB manager. Whenever possible, layers are full PostGIS tables that are just filtered for the required elements.

Known stuff to do

The work of porting the Mapnik style to QGIS is not quite finished, there are still some unresolved issues and/or limitations of QGIS compared to Mapnik.

For instance, I have a issue with overlapping, or at least too close symbols in QGIS maps. This is a core functionality of Mapnik, and a so common but also so hard issue in cartography: how do you prevent symbols that overlaps each other, either from the same layer or from different layers? The same applies to labels. Unfortunately, until now preventing overlapping symbols was not found in QGIS. For instance, a cluster of picnic tables in a park will be shown on the map with several symbols too close from each other, while we would like to have just one symbol for the cluster.

To conclude

This work of switching from Mapnik to QGIS is not finished. I do not yet know which software will be preferred in the future for OpenArdenneMap. Note that much of the mapping work is applied directly to the data via PostGIS queries. Automating this cartographic work on the basis of OSM data (automatic generalisation, displacement, …) is an area that is still little explored today.

Location: 6724, Marbehan, Rulles, Habay, Virton, Luxembourg, Wallonia, Belgium


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