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jorchr's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by jorchr

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Heja ni som mappar landuse med MP

Jag håller helt med om att inte är en lyckad skogsyta. Den var skapad av någon annan och det jag gjort är att justera den till en detaljnivå som är hyfsad enligt mitt synsätt. Jag försökte dela ytan i mindre bitar utan att lyckas och ville inte radera det som gjorts och börja om på nytt.

Heja ni som mappar landuse med MP

Jag kan hålla med om att det finns anledning att undvika P2 om man är börjar använda OSM nu. Den bygger på Flash Player som anses osäkert och numera endast stöds av Microsofts webbläsare och snart inte heller av den. När jag började för 10 år sen var det emellertid den bästa som fanns och det är den jag kan alla funktioner i. Att byta är besvärligt eftersom man hela tiden blandar ihop vilka kommandon som betyder vad. Jag kan naturligtvis lägga in en kommentar till mina editeringar, men brukar inte göra det om inget särskilt finns att anmärka. Jag brukar växla mellan de bakgrundslager som finns tillgängliga, beroende på vilket som har tydligast bild över aktuellt område, så för en och samma editering kan jag ha använt 4-5 olika.

Heja ni som mappar landuse med MP

Jag kan inte se vad problemet med att använda Potlach2 för att mappa skog och landområden. Relationer är ganska knöliga men mitt sätt att mappa skogen inom ett område mellan större vägar fungerar utmärkt. Inre ytor av annat än skog tas lätt bort genom att skapa en inre polygon. Jag har mappat stora delar av Götaland på detta sätt och har svårt att se hur man kan vara lika produktiv med ett annat program.

Funny Things happen in Antarctica

And yet another at

Funny Things happen in Antarctica

I just deleted a similar edit in southern Niger at

Small change not uploading

I have noticed this behavior as well. I think all changes should result in an update. It seems wrong that only updates that change shape are updated.

Removing a large contribution

It had been better if the import was discussed on the wiki beforehand, I agree. The imported material should have been tagged with source. However, there is no question that the imported data is better than the previous. I estimate that the new material is at least 10 to 100 times more accurate. The map looks great with every building, house and shed, in place.

I understand that people reacted to the phrase "removing a large contribution", but in fact the contribution has not been removed. It has been replaced with a much better contribution. As long as there is no licensing issues here, I can't see that anything wrong has been done.

Removing a large contribution

Thats almost right, CoreyBurger. Data can be deleted at any time. But not without reason. Data can be deleted, or rather replaced, with better data at any time. In this case, buildings with approximated coordinates where removed so that they could be added with much more accurate positions. Without this principle, there is no way to improve the map, since someone have added each point and segment in the database.

I have spent many hours drawing roads and buildings in the region, but there is no way that I would object if authorities donated all the country's official GIS data to OSM. That wouldn't be possible if old inaccurate data couldn't be removed in the process.

Removing a large contribution

Well, I suppose that CoreyBurger didn't look at the changes. It is in fact a great contribution that the municipality of Staffanstorp did, to upload all buildings in very great detail. I don't see any other way than to remove the corse outlines of the same buildings during this process. It may be unfortunate that someone made an effort to draw buildings based upon areal images, but if they can be replaced with all building outlines based on official GIS information, there is no other way to do it! I say thank you very much for donating the official data to OpenStreetMap!

Flamingo Ave says it's Flamingo Dr. - but its been corrected in database

It may take up to several days from an edit before the map is rendered. However, I have noticed lately that rendering often is fast, but that old versions of the map is cached locally on my computer. I sometimes have to do shift-reload in the web-browser, to get the latest version of rendered map images.