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jonwit's Diary

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I have decided to begin verifying claims the there are a set of ancient pyramid structures) just north of Sarajevo near the town of [Visoko] ( and making a better map of the area. After vacationing last year and visiting the site myself I felt the directions to this tourist attraction was lacking. I also felt that the investigators needed help with their claims.

For those unfamiliar with Visoko’s #1 thing to do based on tripadvisor

Highlighted areas show the “pyramids”

Current Tourist Map

tourism map There is no pyramids on the map

Other Tourist Sites

There is many more things to see and do in the area including the 14th century castle known as Stari Grad Visoko

Constructing the basemap

Most of the buildinga were missing and as its easy to do armchair mapping I begun the process mapping all the buildings in the western area of Visoko.

The current landuse dataset is from a 2006 landcover dataset that while accurate does not reflect the actual landcover. This will be modified to accurately reflect the landcover

Location: Visoko, Grad Visoko, Zenica-Doboj Canton, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 71300, Bosnia and Herzegovina

HIFLD Open vs OpenStreetMap in PA

Posted by jonwit on 22 March 2016 in English.

They just released HIFLD Open Data: A National foundation-level geospatial data within the open public domain that can be useful to support community preparedness, resiliency, research, and more.

I was curious what HIFLD Open data looked like compared with OpenStreetMap.

I had a free lunch hour so…

I did a small case study in Pennsylvania

I took one of the 250+ layers (hospitals) that has a well defined attribute naming convention and compared it with OpenStreetMap version using Turf.js. I modifed the code in the Mapbox example

The HIFLD Open Dataset Filtered for only PA converted to geojson using

Locations= 255

The OpenStreetMap Hospitals Filtered using the OverPass Turbo API

pois: 232

HILFD OPEN vs OSM Hospital Map

*Blue = HIFLD Open

*Red = OSM

You can see HIFLD looks more complete in the rural areas

Looking at the urban areas OSM looks almost complete

Conclusion: From what I am seeing HIFLD Open has a few errors (such as closed or mislabeled hospitals) and OpenStreetMap has an issue in areas (mostly rural) that users have yet to map in. HIFLD Open is useful for adding data to OSM but cautiously since with a quick look I already see some errors.

My name is Jonathan Witcoski. I am running for 2015 OSM US Board.

I joined OpenStreetMap November 7,2014 as part of a HOT MissingMaps party hosted by the Red Cross at their headquarters in D.C. I have participated in many Missing Maps mapping parties since then. Along with participating with HOT I began mapping my hometown in Northeastern Pa. For the last year I have also dug deeper into the OpenStreetMap and and companies that use it (i.e mapbox, cartodb) API and tutorials. I have also attended the State of the Map 2015 in New York City and presented at HOT Summit 2015 in Washington D.C. I also learned about OpenStreetMap US, joined a few days ago! I would like to play a greater role in OpenStreetMap by being apart of the OSM US Board.

I can bring many of my professional experiences to the table for the OpenStreetMap community. From 2009-2014 I worked on a project known as Homeland Infrastructure Foundation – Level Data HIFLD. The project mimics OpenStreetMap at a inter-federal governmental level in that it focused on capturing federal, state, and local government geospatial information and then distributing it as base data for the federal, state, and local governments to use. This experience has taught me a lot of about data license agreements and the hassle it is to get agencies to change their policies on sharing.

As a board member I would help however possible including:

1.) Encouraging participation from colleges and universities. Training future professional geographers that there is more than just official data sources. Scholarships to conferences, encouraging professors to incorporate it into his curriculum, more meetups.

2.) Living near D.C. I am very close to many federal agencies and could help facilitate discussions with them about openstreetmap and participating.

I thought it would be fun to create a little test project to more familiarize myself with OpenStreetMap and Overpass Turbo

Note, this is a work in progress. Any tips will be useful

I read a few mentions on how some organizations have used OpenStreetMap to calculate population density. I figured I would give it a go.

1. Create a OpenStreetMap Map

First I created a simple map interface with needed tools and legends using Mapbox Tutorials. I then put up a sample code page on github. Population Count Test Page Image of Test Page

2. Count the Number of Different Buildings in OpenStreetMap

The next step(s) would then be to extract the Houses and other buildings from the dataset. An example would be. Extract Houses with Overpass Turbo ( // query part for: “House” node["building"="house"]({{bbox}}); way["building"="house"]({{bbox}}); relation["building"="house"]({{bbox}}); );

Set OverPass Query to only count and put into a json file

Count of Elements

out count;

This creates a JSON file like this: { "count": { "total": 7402, "nodes": 6214, "ways": 1187, "relations": 1, "areas": 0 } }

3. Load data from json into the html

possibly with jquery $.getJSON('/json/somedata.json', function(data) { // do something with the data here });

4. Housing Unit Method Summary Equation

From a simple search online I found a few calculations.

  1. Possible Calculation Housing Unit Method Summary Equation Population = Population in Group Housing + Occupied Units * average household size
  2. Fine-resolution population mapping using OpenStreetMap points-of-interest 3.Measuring Completeness of Building Footprints in OpenStreetMap over Space and Time

5. Display on Map

Project Page

Here is the Github page if you would like to contribute. Population Count Test Page

Have a good day!!


Hello community,

I joined your group six months and am having a great time. I got involved through attending the Missing Maps group helping to trace satellite imagery.

While vacationing in the Balkans last year I kept running into minefield hazards signs being put up and from my time helping build OSM I haven’t encountered that layer yet. In some parts of the world I can imagine that being a hidden but important part of the landscape.

Being as I am new to this community I figured I could ask what there is out there.

There are a few discussions out there on it. 1.[Road Barrier] ( 2.[Hazard] (

As well as a few nodes and areas already tagged [tag 1] (

My abstract. A discussion on the threat and awareness of minefields worldwide and how HOT/OSM can help. Between 1999 and 2008 in 119 countries 73,576 casualties have been reported (Landmine Monitor Report 2009: Toward a Mine-Free World ). In many countries daily life along with tourism is affected as areas are to hazardous to venture into. The general public has a short term memory with regards to hazards (i.e. warning signs get taken down, the international community loses interest). Building a open source database could be a great asset to the world. Currently there are no OSM attributes for minefields or hazards however there are proposals for them.

A quick search on minefield maps Balkan Bosnia Afganistan Iraq Cambodia