Last week, we celebrated osmgeoweek in Bengaluru, India with a community mapping party at the Mapbox office on 15th of November. On a drizzly Sunday morning, @planemad and several OSM-IN volunteers set out to map garbage dumping sites, waste baskets and street lamps in the locality.
Deciding what to map
We do a lot of detailed mapping around our neighborhood in Indiranagar to showcase the possibilities of mapping with OpenStreetMap for the local mapping community, and is now probably the most well mapped neighborhood in the country.
House-numbers, building heights, trees, street lamps, waste baskets and more only on OSM
The 6 mappers managed to collect the locations of 220 street-lamps and 16 waste dumping sites in a couple of hours using just field-papers. After a tasty lunch, we got back to the Mapbox office to upload our data and made a quick map to visualize the street lamps.
Map of street-lamps in Indiranagar. We don’t know how many are actually operational!
To top it off, we got covered by the popular city paper - Bangalore Mirror, which gave OSM some great publicity for OSMGeoWeek!
Read the full article on Bangalore Mirror
On Thursday, we organized a mapathon for the data team in office. We decided to time our mapping to an on-going event and collaborate across the world instead of doing our own event. We spotted an OSMGeoWeek event scheduled at University of Management & Technology, Lahore which got us excited. We had maning coordinate with Usman Latif of @Mapgive Pakistan to join hands to map remote areas of Afghanistan. We started the mapathon with a Skype video call with the mappers from our neighbouring country. This was an exciting moment for the entire data team as it was a wonderful experience to work together with our friends from across the border.
Historic first for mappers from Pakistan and India, united by technology!
Geoweek has been great fun, and has given an opportunity for all of us in the Mapbox data team to be aware of the possibilities of geography uniting people over a common idea. Looking forward to hearing more stories from around the world. Happy Mapping!
Comment from shravan91 on 24 November 2015 at 12:26
Comment from robert on 24 November 2015 at 20:16
Comment from Super-Map on 25 November 2015 at 09:50
Hi jinalfoflia,
Nice “work”! I mapped Nepal early this year after the main “earthquake” and several “towns” and villages throughout this country and near India border. In the same time, few stuff in India. I had remarked, in this occasion, they is a lot of road and other things who are “missing” in India… so you have the “choice” for mapping your Country. However and it’s the “actuality”, they exist bad “persons” in this word, unfortunately, and it isn’t new. So we must do a particular “care” with what we “mapping”. But I don’t think, those “persons” need a map like “OpenStreetMap” for to commit the “irreparable”… But I’m sure, you know what I mind, what I think. And those “persons” are more numberus in some part of this “world”… Sure our work, all contributors of OpenStreetMap are “checked”, but we don’t need to map a lot, if we don’t need it… It’s really true in certain “area” of this “world”. Of course” OpenStreepMap aren’t the only map who exist who each other can brought his own “detail”… but this the only Map who we can use “fully” “free”. Have a nice week and enjoy yourself or with your own community in a “mapping party” for example.
Comment from jinalfoflia on 1 December 2015 at 17:21
@Shravan91 and @Robert Thank you! @Super-Map Thank you for sharing your experience!
Comment from Super-Map on 7 December 2015 at 09:08
Welcome, unfortunately for me I haven’t all skill you have, but I try to do my best when I do something… and I know “PERFECTLY” the world where we living all… So I wish you a nice “continuation” on the nice project like this in the “peace world”…
have a nice week.
Comment from Super-Map on 7 December 2015 at 09:16
Everybody do “mistakes” that the “proof”! I would like to say: “You’re welcome”.