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greasemonkey script to delete traces

Posted by h4ck3rm1k3 on 2 November 2010 in English.

I wrote my first pathetic greasemonkey script today to automate the mass deletion of badly formatted gps traces.

if you use reload every, it will delete page by page the current page of gps trails and the ones after it.


Location: Orllat, Municipality of Drenas / Glogovac, District of Prishtina, 13000, Kosovo

Here is the second report from my style parser :

code checked in here : in the branch expermental_styles.

Currently the code tracks the fields used in the sql queries and in the stylesheet rules.

I have implemented a rec descent parser for the mapnik style language, and am using the perl standard sql parser for the sql (not all is parsed perfectly)

But it gives you a first view of the key fields used in the style rules.

My first optimization will be to remove all data that is not used in the style information from the main memory. Even if we need to display funky attributes for objects in the detailed view, they can be stored on slower storage if needed.

The next steps will be to find the common conditions the many styles so that we can calculate a class of object just once.
I want to reduce the number of calculations based on the values of 1 or 2 fields in the object, we should be able to use the existing of a key or not to skip over lots of processing. Then for some keys, a simple lookup in a hash table will reduce many more. Then we should be able to evaluate some simple conditions to find the final class.

If this works out, the end result will be a simple automaton that works as a classifier and styler for OSM. it should be a single pass and straight forward to implement.

I have done some experiments with RelaxNG, it is possible to also describe many of the style rules as relaxng groups, but the runtime is not that fast, and the grammer becomes ambigious. You need to look ahead into the tag values to classify the objects.

I would think that in the end, it should be possible to create a better OSM xml that would not need to have lookahead for styling, that would mean creating more tags for the objects.

more to come.


40 gps devices to be sponsored to train a OSM team for kosovo. Amazing!

here is an edited translation :

Today I had a very interesting meeting in implementing a pilot for IT in
Schools project funded by the European Commission.
I understood that this is a the most serious project in this field ever
implemented in Kosovo.

FLOSSK will that help train students in through a small

There is up to 2,000 EUR budget to purchase GPS equipment.

I propose that these will buy GPS antennas that will operated with Sony
Ericsson Symbian or something similar. This gives us 40 x 50 EUR for buying

40 or 80 students from coming to Kosovo all the initial training in Pristina
to use the equipment.

After coming back from a 3-4 weeks training, they will help with GPS
trace processing and map building.

The purpose is educational.

Now we have a school in Pristina as an Umbrella for this project, they will
provide computers connected to the Internet.

please forward proposals.


Location: Zona Ekonomike, Pristina, Municipality of Pristina, District of Prishtina, Kosovo

one year osm in review

Posted by h4ck3rm1k3 on 20 June 2010 in English.

It has been one year since I started on working on openstreetmap.

Let me review how I got started.

Before OSM, I used google maps.
I did not bother with OSM, it was harder to use, the search functions were not as good, in general, for the average user, google maps seemed to be better.
Also when you search for things in google, you never see osm results.

of course they are excuses, the real reason is that I did not see any motivation for using OSM, and most importantly, it was not visible to me.

Even when I started to work on planning our kosovo conference, I noticed that the google maps were useless. They did not have anything useful for kosovo, but I still did not even bother to look for alternatives.

When I went to kosovo last year. I first saw the need for OSM.
I had a meeting with logistics plus, they showed me their gps collection device, and the infrastructure. I saw the maps they used to display the results, and I asked if there was not an open source mapping toolkit. At that point I started to look for solutions for them.

Eventually we even got all of the gps data donated from and we traced over them.

Now we have built up a couple of cities, we have gotten gps devices donated from drlizau, from, from myself, (yet none from gpstogo or from osmf)
We have mapped alot of Prishtina, Gjakova, Gjlian, Prizren, and other cities.

We have gotten support from the local government, and from the un on projects in Brod and NovoBerdo which are ongoing.

There is even an creative commons tourist guide for Kosovo based on osm data :

We have went on to work on the skoder flooding in albania.

So, I personally have learned alot about gis, about osm and I would like to thank everyone for making a great community and system.

I hope to have more to report next year, we have alot of projects in progress, and if you have any free time, our current focus is on the cad files of Pristhina.


Location: Qyteza Pejton, Pristina, Municipality of Pristina, District of Prishtina, Kosovo

gwtosm can now display roads

Posted by h4ck3rm1k3 on 30 May 2010 in English.

next step in port of #oms josm to gwt : gwtosm now can display simple roads.

now I could use some help, there are so many possible things to display, need to make tests for all of them. best would be test cases, i guess they could be extracted from the xapi...

What about an osm test case system for rendering? there must be such a thing, no?


this problem occured in josm, any ideas_?

POST Bad Request
Error header: Placeholder node not found for reference -56832 in way -56831 ResponseCode=400, Error Header=
at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.PleaseWaitRunnable.doRealRun(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

In Shkoder and Tirana this weekend, flossk will be holding presentations on openstreetmap and recruiting new members to openstreetmap Flossk Meets Flossal in Shkoder on Sat at 11 am
This is important to recruit new local members for mapping of Shkoder, we have been doing alot of work there.

Location: Perlat Rexhepi, Lagjja 3, Shkoder, Shkodër Municipality, Shkodër County, Albania

the city of Prizren is one of the Jewels of the Balkans,
I invite you all to visit it virtually.

We now have a donated public domain map from the city planning board,
They have also given us detailed data whose license we are negotiating.

We have 1000 photos that I have taken and put on zoph here
use guest/password guest

Location: Prizren, Jeni Mahalla, Prizren, Municipality of Prizren, District of Prizren, 20080, Kosovo

I have made a patch for inkscape to paste in the openstreetmap way links for photomapping.

"create link to OSM way id in clipboard" is the new right click menu item,
it takes the current osm way id and makes a link like this in svg :


Openstreemap Way number 667599314

Target : new

Code is here:

Demo Video:


I have gotten a better technique for making photomaps using svg and inkscape,
it is really easy to use and you can color the imagemap how you want.

SVG Photomapping with inkscape

With Inkscape you can make the imagemaps much much easier,

just load them in and create a box over the building,

right click (create link) fill in the href with the osm id and target (new)

then you are done. Make sure you fix the image to be on a public server.

here is an example :

Screenshot :


Location: Brod, Municipality of Dragash / Dragaš, District of Prizren, 22070, Kosovo