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grenzdebil_bonn's Diary

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Auch von mir eine Statusmeldung zum neuen Jahr:

Das Dorf Witterschlick bei Bonn (~8700 Einwohner) ist dank Bing fast pünktlich zum Jahreswechsel mit allen Gebäuden in OSM vertreten! :-)

Was Größtenteils noch fehlt sind Angaben zu den Stockwerken und Adressen.

Wer widmet sich sonst noch zur kalten Jahreszeit der Gebäudemalerei via Bing?

Hat jemand eine Statstik zum Anstieg der Ways mit building=* seit der Bing-Freigabe?

Frohes neues!

Location: Heidgen, Witterschlick, Alfter, Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 53347, Deutschland

...of traffic jam.

Last Wednesday, I was driving to Wacken Open Air - the World's biggest Heavy Metal Festival, situated near the village Wacken( in the middle of nowhere in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein.
Unfortunately, there had been massive rain the days before and the campgrounds where not accessible for cars, leading to a temporary shutdown of the main entrance and thus a massive traffic jam from the Motorway 23 to the Village.
(Which was also fun, at least for those not having to drive, because most people just started the festival on the road :-) )

Anyhow, the Joke is: Friends of us, who started 8 hours later, managed to circumvent the jam because they met a local Festival employee at a motorway restaurant and followed him through some "secret" unclassified and track roads.
The result was that we all arrived at the main entrance simultaneously.

So, if there had been good OSM coverage of the area(there was nothing and commercial routing software also didn't help), maybe we could also have saved some hours and went to sleep before sunrise that day. ;-)

Apart from this, it was a great Festival - I'll be there again next year and hope there will be some more coverage by that time.
(I've added some local roads and tracks now, but they only cover the two main routes from and to Wacken)


So this is the diary...

Posted by grenzdebil_bonn on 5 July 2007 in English.

My first post here, I discovered the diary a few days ago.

So lets see what happened since then:

I did some improvements on the Rhine(de:Rhein) river between Bonn and Bad Honnef and - more important - added several Rhine areas between Bad Honnef and Koblenz and also between Koblenz and Oberwesel, so we have a continuous river now from the delta up to Karlsruhe.

I also added parts of the Kottenforst forest which is now almost complete in the area of Bonn, using Potlatch and its Yahoo! satellite images.
Adding forest/wood areas early in a map does'nt only look nicer, for me it's also a great help to get a good oversight of a larger area with less streets already mapped.

A Problem I see is that while Osmarender renders my forest/wood areas nicely, mapnik has serious problems with glades in forest areas as I do them.
It _always_ fails to realize which area is the actual forest and which is just a space left blank in between - this leads to forests that are not rendered with glades rendered as forests, for examples look west and east of the village Witterschlick near Bonn.

I wonder if there is a solution to this proble other than splitting forest areas?

Apart from mapping some secondary roads and residential areas in Bonn, I also managed to fix many Problems in the area using the JOSMLINT plugin for JOSM - its really much easier than staring at the maplint layer on the slippy map. :-)

By the way, I read in his diary entry that egore911 fixed the A61 around Ahrweiler. Thanks! That may have been (partly) my fault ;-).