
Dear all,

After 12 days of Grass&Green in place. We have around 100 users and contributed in about 500 entities with 90% agreement with our recommendations. However, there is still exist 1000’s of entities to be checked. So, we ask for daily contributions to improve the classification of grass-related features. It is just the start, we would feed the system with more categories of entities later on e.g.: water-related features and other natural features. Here is the interface of the system. Just visit and login by your osm account and contribute to improve the classification quality.

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Thanks for all former contributors and useful comments. I appreciate your feedback

Best, Ahmed Loai Ali


Comment from grass_and_green on 9 September 2015 at 15:13

Do you know the difference between Park & Garden? Do you know the difference between Meadow & Grass? Do you know the correct description of Forest?

Hurry up Sign in and help us !!!

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