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giggls's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by giggls

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OpenStreetMap auf Kenwood-Autoradios mit Garmin-Navigationssoftware

Der Python code sieht so aus:

hls = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(rf,gf,bf) rgb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hls[0],1-hls[1],hls[2])

Das ist halt so halbautomatisch gewesen was ich da gebaut habe.

OpenStreetMap auf Kenwood-Autoradios mit Garmin-Navigationssoftware

Falls das Teil Dateien im Garmin POI Format verarbeitet hilft dir eventuell auch mein Garmin POI Overlay aus den Daten der OpenCampingMap

Leider habe ich es noch nicht geschafft ein Overlay für Osmand aus den Daten der OpenCampingMap zu erzeugen. Das ist zwar alles auch nur OSM was ich in der OpenCampingMap darstelle aber halt aufbereitet.

Was ich für den Nachtmodus probiert habe ist die RGB-Werte in HLS umzurechnen, L zu invertieren und dann nach RGB zurück.

Das gab im wesentlichen eine viel zu dunkle Karte.



OpenStreetMap auf Kenwood-Autoradios mit Garmin-Navigationssoftware

Der fehlende Nachtmodus ist das was mir als Radfahrer bei der Freizeitkarte fehlt und mein Versuch die Nachtfarben für den Stil automatisch zu berechnen war nicht so sehr erfolgreich.

Quellcode für die Freizeitkarte ist hier:

Falls Du in die Kartenentwicklung einsteigen möchtest QMapShack kann die fertig berechneten Karten darstellen.

Abschalten von nicht benötigten Details ist relativ einfach. Das .TYP file ist aber die falsche Stelle. Dort wird spezifiziert welcher Straßentyp wie aussehen soll.



OpenStreetMap Carto version v5.8.0 released

OK, merged into German style v5.8.0-de0 and l10n style v5.8.0-l10n0.

A little how-to on mapping playgrounds

It would be very easy to use the code from OpenCampingMap to build a generic OpenPlayGround Map.

I will not do this myself but if somebody is willing to do this the backend POIdb from OpenCampingMap can be readily used.

Warum in die Ferne schweifen...

urgs war schon dabei ich bin blind.

Warum in die Ferne schweifen...

Da fehlt ja wohl Übersee :)

OpenCampingMap: Looking for language translators for fr,es and ru stuff

Are You able to work with GitHub?

If so have a look at the instructions here.

I might move to a translation platform. Don’t hold your breath though.

OpenCampingMap: Looking for language translators for fr,es and ru stuff

Which translation platform would you suggest to use then?

OpenCampingMap: Looking for language translators for fr,es and ru stuff

What is the advantage of using a translation platform? It would be easy to send a notification to language maintainers on commits so this is not a problem. The problem is that I do not have language maintainers!

OpenCampingMap: Looking for language translators for fr,es and ru stuff

I will take translations to any language which is in the say Top20 of languages spoken and I would of course also take translations of languages which are spoken in nations where camping is very popular (e.g. Dutch).

However based on the mistake I made in the past I will now only take pull-requests from people who want to maintain their language support in future versions of the code.

See this file on how adding a new language works.

How to tag areas where camping is prohibited?

@valhikes: The red ! mean that these sites need work. See bugs tab. Often they do not even even have a name tag or have only a name tag.

Regarding “camping=designated” I am strongly against this idea because this is basically the default in many countries.

This is also the default in US-National-Parks, where the actual spots where camping is allowed are usually mapped as (mostly backcountry) campsites (node or small polygon) which does make a lot more sense than a surrounding polygon tagged “camping=designated”.

@valhikes: Jepp I think about rendering camping=no areas as something like this in OpenCampingMap. Should not be too similar to osm carto rendering of military areas though.

How to tag areas where camping is prohibited?

Hello, I am Sven, the Author of

I strongly discourage mapping those places as tourism=camp_site as doing this will be a hint to do the opposite even if access=no is added.

This is even more inadequate given the fact that tourism=camp_site and access=private is valid tagging for campsites not open to the general public.

I could well imagine a new tag which I could even render on as prohibited area.

Python Script um osm2pgsql Importe zu automatisieren

Was genau unterscheidet das denn von dem von Sarah mitgelieferten osm2pgsql-replication script?

Ich habe da eigentlich im wesentlichen einen systemd timer drumrum gebaut um das zyklisch laufen zu lassen.



An example of how to not map a campground.

Just found out, that there are about 2500 sites worldwide which contain other campsites. This is bad!

I would be happy to find a few people willing to help fixing this.

I made a bug view (updated along with the update cycle) to help fixing these sites:

Added a review portal link to

@dikkeknodel: Does not work for Campsites without name.

Added a review portal link to

There seems to be a bug regarding reviews only shown after explicitely selecting the site again.

Added a review portal link to

@yvecai: Site is there if you enable caravan_sites in settings.

Background is that I consider tourism=camp_site + tents=no the same as tourism=caravan_site.

Added a review portal link to

As a proof that update still works here is an object that has been newly added just yesterday: