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The end of the 2017 Google Summer of Code is getting closer. In the last weeks I was working on styling the map.

The most challenging task this month was definitely the anti-aliased ways, and I ended up doing that with the help of barycentric coordinates. I also added borders to areas and paths. I did a mistake previously, and not all buildings were visible, but I have fixed that issue, and now small buildings are also visible.

There is still some work to do, I intend to concentrate on the obvious things in the next day. Looking at the pictures below one can see that dotted/stippled lines are not yet supported (in the first picture the tiny red lines should be dotted). Fixing the looks of the texts also have high priority. The size is not quite right, and it is blurry. I also want to add support for patterns before the GSoC ends.

Debrecen: Debrecen

Budapest close: Budapest close



My project:

Location: 4032, Egyetemváros, Debrecen, Debreceni járás, Hajdú-Bihar, North Great Plain, Great Plain and North, Hungary


Comment from Vlad on 16 August 2017 at 11:21

Good work so far ! Keep it going on :) I must try it, especially look if the code could be adapted to iOS…


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