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doroga tv's Diary

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Hi all,

Happy to inform you that we are moving to use hot OSM data in our service. Now the Nizhny Novgorod region streets and routes, and St.Petersburg streets are totally updated from the OSM data on daily basis.

We have updated our firewall software, and our service is now accessible from the world, but russian language only is present a while.

Our service is one of the first ones which uses OSM route information to control route transport (buses etc). There are some additional requirements for the OSM route present in order to make such use possible: compendency of the route ways graph, presence and proper sequence of route stops.

The special verification tool is present to check, whether the route relationship fulfils our service requirements:

We will happy to synchronize St.Petersburg (and any other region) OSM route network with our service as far as it will be full enough. Our free route-based WEB and mobile services may be very useful for anybody.

New tool to check a route sanity

Posted by doroga tv on 24 May 2010 in English.

We want to use OSM routes to trace public transport online basing on GPS traces, but many routes are not filled-in properly. The following tool may show, is the route ready to be used by us for public transport tracing:

We are based on hypothese that bus stops are filled in proper order, while ways may be filled as is without ordering.

Relation is loaded from the OSM site using API and analized. If the route is OK, the sequence of ways and bus-stops is shown. If the route is "bad" (from our side of view) the reason is shown.

Some "good" routes:

Some "bad" routes:

Заливка будет происходить раз в сутки, порядка 1 Гб GPX файлов.

Треки по всей России, от маршрутного и немаршрутного транспорта. На домашней странице wiki будет разъяснение по идентификации маршрутных треков.