
Bury St Edmunds essentially completed! This city of 40,000 was 70% mapped by a mapping party last year, but we didn't manage to finish it. Now, three trips this year later on it is now done to road/cycleway/POI level.

I also managed to pin down the tortuous courses of NCN13 and 51 through the eastern suburbs - its weird, they start off together, divide and then cross over. Not at all the obvious route IMO, even with the desire to keep it off road.

As it only took me a couple of hours to finish the easterly outskirts (much of which is an inaccessible building site - so will need revisiting in a year or so - probably longer if the building has ground to a halt), I then went on a rural jaunt along NCN13 to see where it goes and mapped the small but spread out villages of Rougham and Hessett. Caught the train back from Thurston so was able to add the Rougham Industrial Estate and the western part of Thurston village, which is a bit bigger than the other two, and lies on NCN15.

Location: Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom


Comment from Donald Allwright on 24 March 2009 at 22:51

Nice work, good to see the parts that I cycled past last year finally on the map! I managed to get a small amount of mapping done in Soham at the weekend. Essentially there is still a large new estate in the north which needs mapping and the whole of the southern end of the town. Probably one long or two short sessions should do it. Now the weather is better I hope to get it done in the next month or so.

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