dankarran's Comments
Post | When | Comment |
Ideas for short URLs to places on OpenStreetMap | Added a Trac ticket - http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/4101 - as a prerequisite to this, so search results can be linked to. Hoping to look into this on Saturday at the hack weekend. |
Icons for data browser pages | Interesting, Andy's comment wasn't showing up, but appeared after I posted the comment. Caching issue? |
Icons for data browser pages | eMerzh: I agree we should probably try to give that less prominence in the lists. LivingWithDragons: I started with a subset of more popular icons from the Mapnik directory, but it would be good to add some more in there, yep. Andy: (not sure what happened to that 4th comment?) nothing major planned, but it would be good to use this same idea for the data overlay, maybe extend it to relations, mark deleted items with a strikethrough style, etc. I think I noted down some other ideas a while back, but will have to dig them out to remind myself :) |
Possible improvements for the data browser pages | It's about ready to go I think... The patch is on Trac ticket #2787 if you would like to try it out give any feedback? |
New to OSM | Welcome to the project, Samantha. I'm not sure if you've seen it already, but the tag for CCTV cameras (which I presume would be a key part of the study) is man_made:surveillance. I don't have much practical experience to share will mapping that sort of thing, but I'm sure others here will give tips and advice. From the looks of this CCTV map you may be the first to map any of the cameras in Manchester. |
New to OSM | Welcome to the project, Samantha. I'm not sure if you've seen it already, but the tag for CCTV cameras (which I presume would be a key part of the study) is man_made:surveillance. I don't have much practical experience to share will mapping that sort of thing, but I'm sure others here will give tips and advice. From the looks of this CCTV map you may be the first to map any of the cameras in Manchester. |
Possible improvements for the data browser pages | I got my test site up and running locally, and the ruby code is working. I need to do some more testing and finish adding the classes in, then I'll propose it as a patch to the site maintainers. |
Possible improvements for the data browser pages | I don't actually have a working rails port site set up to hack on at the moment, so if anybody fancies implementing it, please feel free. Otherwise, I'll hopefully get it set up soon so I can do it :) |
hi | You should be able to get this data from the Cloudmade extracts at http://download.cloudmade.com/asia/israel |
Unwanted green spots | If you're trying to delete a way, you'll need to use Shift-backspace instead of just backspace. |
38.57% of UK pubs are on OpenStreetMap | Mapping the other 61% should be fun :) |
Micro-mapping mainline train stations | Good question, not sure if they're to scale or not, but it wouldn't surprise me if they're not. |
Micro-mapping mainline train stations | I suspect tracing should be fine too, just make sure it's all attributed. You could take a snapshot of the PDF, upload it to Map Warper (noting its source and copyright, maybe keeping it private) then rectify it based on the shape of the building. |
Newbie | Welcome to the community! |
Deutsche Privathotels und Pensionen | This user has also added a number of hotel entries to the map which look a little fishy. |
OSM POI application hits CrackBerry.com frontpage... | Good strategy.. hopefully it brings in some more mappers to the project, people who may not have thought of contributing previously. |
osm:way= | I notice you've added some things to the database (e.g. a 1950s postman and boring park) that don't look like they should be there... please stick to objects that exist in the real world when making changes. |
osm:way= | Yep, you can use both osm:node and osm:way... e.g., http://www.flickr.com/photos/londondan/46551630/ |
OpenStreetmap Mapping party for Pirates in offenbach | Where does the pirate connection come from? :) |
Updates to Palmyra and Deir Ezzor | Just a quick note about naming those streets you've mapped... you shouldn't use a tourist map to gather the names as that's a copyrighted source. |