I will not explain here all the process, but if people are interested, i can do a short video explaining all the process.
I have used the OSM Postgis Script to load the data in PostGIS. This was made for Stereo70 projection, but can be adapted for wsg84
The result it`s a completely 3D map that you can navigate and see each all of the edits made in one year or for each month (not shown in the video or photos)
In this image you can see the ways that have been created or last modified in 2016 (top layer), then 2015, then 2014, then 2013, then 2012, then 2011, 2010,2009,etc
2015(upper part),2014(middle),2013(lower part)
You can use this to split a city into the different users that edited in that city, or by versions,etc
You can see a live demo in this youtube video that i made
Comment from widedangel on 15 June 2016 at 07:08
Impressive work, thank you very much. I am interested in the video explaining your work. Regards
Comment from !i! on 17 June 2016 at 16:22
Nice idea to visualize the progress :)