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OSM POI age of different cities around the world

Posted by baditaflorin on 25 September 2014 in English. Last updated on 26 September 2014.

Playing with Mapbox Studio and the ability to use the osm_id of a POI, i managed to make a historic map of the POI of 24 selected cities around the world

In a totally random way i will show some of the different type of cities that we have in OSM, in the terms of relevance to people that are interested in going in that city and using osm for POI

Most of the POI in Ankara were added in 2006 - 2008 Alt text

Berlin Alt text

Bruxelles Alt text

Bucharest Alt text

Budapest - An example of a systematic, mapping party approach ( somebody with local knowledge can correct me if i am wrong ) Alt text

Buenos Aires - It would be useful to see how many of the new edits are from local people, to see how sustainable is that and how much the local community will continue to add after the SOTM Alt text

Cluj Napoca Another example of the power of mapping party, for this ever-growing city, that will be in 2015 the European Capital of Youth Alt text

Dublin Alt text

Frankfurt - Central, POI only around important streets, approach Alt text

Hong Kong Alt text

L.A. - From the types of POI that where added in 2009, Los Angeles had an import of date in 2009, but except from that the city is almost dead in terms of POI growth Alt text

London - is more complete then it looks on this map. In Mapbox i took only the POI that are a node . In London there are a lot of POI that they are tagged as a building. For the sake of simplicity those tag`s are only rendered as text, with a small white dot.

It was a technical stuff, i would have to calculate the age for the POI of the ways.

Alt text

Madrid Alt text

Melbourne - a example of a city center POI useful city Alt text

Moskow - A beautiful example of a complete city, where you can find POI in all the city, not just in the city center Alt text

Munchen Alt text

New York - except a import in 2009, in the last 2 years the city center started getting some kind of attention Alt text

Prague Alt text

Rotterdam Alt text

Sofia Alt text

Tokio - Is growing fast, in a decentralized, all over the map type Alt text

Wien Alt text

Zagreb Alt text

Zurich Alt text

You can download all the Full Resolution maps here


Comment from Glassman on 26 September 2014 at 01:54

Are you sure it is Melbourne Canada? Cout it be Melbourne Australia?

Comment from Mateusz Konieczny on 26 September 2014 at 04:54

You may want to change “where” to “were” in “Most of the POI in Ankara where added in 2006 - 2008”.

Comment from baditaflorin on 26 September 2014 at 09:19

@Glassman, you are right, i will see how can i modify this

@Mateusz Konleczny thanks, i modified :)

Comment from AlexTheTux on 26 September 2014 at 18:33

You may want to change “Moskow” to “Moscow” in the text. :-)

Comment from Harry Wood on 5 January 2015 at 10:29

This is great. Good to visualise and focus on POI mapping. It’s the kind of mapping I do most these days. I love the London map. I can see some of my hard work as a streak of white running up through islington (Holloway Road)… yay! that’s me!

Comment from Harry Wood on 17 February 2015 at 01:13

We were discussing this as a potential “image of the week”. But the image host doesn’t seem to be very reliable. Most of the images are offline now. Still got them all?

Comment from baditaflorin on 17 February 2015 at 01:40

Hello Harry, i have them in my computer, if the Dropbox link does not work

Comment from Harry Wood on 17 February 2015 at 01:49

OK I but I was going to link to this diary entry. You should fix the images there if you can. e.g. stick them on flickr

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