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After doing the Romanian OSM node density map, i wanted to do something more globally

The map was created by exporting using Qgis Print Composer in 4 different 24806x17716px , because of the limitations of QGIS that does not allow the export of bigger files yet.

The date was obtained using overpass-api, but for simplicity, if you want to do something similar, use the europe planet extract.

There where over 7 million shop,amenity, tourism and leisure POI in Europe that where combined in a single file using the Qgis Plugin > Vector > Data Management Tools > Merge ShapeFiles to one

Using Qgis plugin mmqgis i created a network of around 800.000 hexagons, and using the Qgis plugin “count in polygon” i was able to figure it how many POI are in each hexagon. To get to a more correct answer, i calculated the area for each of the 800.000 hexagons, that is ranging from about 18 square kilometers in south of Sweden to 28 sq km in Madrid, Spain and did a POI/area to get a more exact answer, POI per sq km

TOP 200 POI by number or POI

top200 And the download link

OpenStreetMap POI density per km2

density openstreetmap poi Download link

1.61 GigaPixel OpenStreetMap POI Map of Europe gigapixel openstreetmap POI

[Explore the 1.61 gigapixel on photosynth :] (

Just how much of Europe have at least 1 POI per km2 ?

  1. 361701 km2, similar with the area or Germany, have a density of just 1 POI per km2
  2. 169428 km2, similar with the area or Greece, have a density 2 POI per km2
  3. 97592 km2, similar with the area or Hungary, have a density 3 POI per km2
  4. 68037 km2, similar with the area or Lithuania, have a density 4 POI per km2
  5. 48142 km2, similar with the area or Slovakia, have a density 5 POI per km2
  6. 35867 km2, similar with the area or Moldova, have a density 6 POI per km2

The total sum is 983412 km2, to put this in perspective, this means the area of Ukraine and Germany together. The rest of Europe has a density that is less then 1 POI per km2

data stats openstreetmap europe

What i learned.

  • Trying to so something as big as this is impossible in QGIS < 2.4
  • Except UK, Germany and neighboring county’s, the rest of europe has good POI coverage only in big and medium cities
  • There is still no simple way to extract all the POI of a country or a continent ( amenity, shop, leisure, tourism )
  • There is no possible way to export this map in a interactive way, at least from the Qgis Plugins
    It would be possbile only country by country, if somebody with coding skills could make qgis2leaf work with rule-based colors


Comment from sabas88 on 10 September 2014 at 07:33

Beautiful! Thanks for this visualization.

Comment from Alecs01 on 10 September 2014 at 18:42

Awesome work, thanks!

Comment from dalek2point3 on 11 September 2014 at 19:13

You might want to check out my tool based on osmium which is a nice way to extract a type of POI from the raw data:

Great job! This is fabulous …

Comment from cronoser on 15 September 2014 at 10:59

Great job!

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