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Digital Humanities Conference UCC June 4th/5th 2024

Posted by b-unicycling on 9 June 2024 in English. Last updated on 10 June 2024.

Last week, I attended the Digital Humanities Conference at University College Cork in Ireland for two days. I had been asked to give a talk about mapping ogham stones on OpenStreetMap as part of a panel which spoke about ogham stones and open and linked data. The other three speakers (Nora White, Megan Kasten and Florian Thiery) are all working at universities, as were most of the other speakers, so I felt a bit like an imposter.

However, it was a good chance to speak about OpenStreetMap to people who can spread the word amongst students.

AFAIK, the talks were not recorded, but I recorded my audio on the phone and made it into a YouTube-Video some days later which you can watch here:

It was also a good opportunity to meet other mappers (such as above mentioned Florian as well as Shawn Day who teaches at UCC), both of whom I had never met offline.

We mapped all the ogham stones at UCC and did photogrammetry of all of them which will be available on SketchFab (and other platforms?) soon. Maybe Florian can comment below with links to “his” stones and the slides from the other panellists.

Ogham stone UCC 17

The GoPro had come with me, so there is now a bit more 360° imagery available from the UCC Campus - or will be soon anyway:

and Panoramax; !

Location: Gillabbey, Gillabbey C, Cork, County Cork, Munster, Ireland


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