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March 10-11 I will present a series of three Big Blue Button video conferences open to the OSM community 8 hours apart to answer questions about results of the OSMF community survey, at noon UTC and 2000 UTC March 10, and 0400 March 11 UTC (these correspond to 0700, 1500, and 2300 EST). I will present some summaries of the data in graphic form, then take questions. I will use my Big Blue Button home room at

I also plan to open an instance of Microsoft Translator and to speak into it in English, and will share the access code for the instance at the start of the presentation, so that anybody with Microsoft Translator’s app (on desktop, notebook, tablet, or smart phone) can follow my oral narrative in the language of their choosing. I will also use the Power Point 365 facility for rendering speech to text so that anyone who can read English can read subtitles as I speak. Anyone planning to view the video conference should download the Microsoft Translator app in advance and become familiar with it first.


Comment from RobJN on 24 February 2021 at 18:00

I will also use the Power Point 365 facility for rendering speech to text so that anyone who can read English can read subtitles as I speak.

How do you do that (as a presenter not a viewer) as I cannot seem to find the option and would like to use it as well?

Comment from apm-wa on 24 February 2021 at 21:14

@RobJN, under the Slide Show tab, over to the right, click on ‘Always Use Subtitles’ and use the dropdown menu under ‘Subtitle Settings’ to pick languages and position of the subtitles. You have to have Power Point 365, I believe, for it to work.

Comment from Øukasz on 10 March 2021 at 18:24

Hi Allan,

Thanks again for your presentation of the results. My request for the additional tabulation after your session was:

How important is the takeover protection (question S1, choice 1) for a) the survey respondents who are a corporate sponsor of OSM or a commercial company using OSM data (question D1, choices 5, 6, or and b) those respondents who are neither? Is there a difference between the two groups? If yes, is it (statistically) significant?

Many thanks in advance for the response

Comment from apm-wa on 17 March 2021 at 02:48

@Øukasz Please see the calculations on a spreadsheet, the link to which is here:

Comment from Øukasz on 18 March 2021 at 10:30

Thank you very much for the comprehensive answer, this is very helpful!

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