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The Open Mapping Hub - Asia-Pacific (AP Hub) aims to create a sustainable OpenStreetMap (OSM) ecosystem, engaging governments, humanitarian and development agencies, underrepresented sectors, businesses, and citizens in the open mapping movement. In early 2023, AP Hub started the Open Mapping Guru Project to create a network of skilled OSM contributors who help build communities by sharing skills and creating training materials. By the end of 2023, this project expanded into a Fellowship Program from January 2024 to May 2024. This five-month Fellowship aimed to develop the skills, knowledge, and capacity of Gurus through intensive guidance and training, focusing on making impactful contributions to the open mapping movement in the region. The program had three tracks: Training Fellowship, Mapping Fellowship, and Validation Fellowship, each focusing on different aspects of open mapping. I have been an active mapper since 2020, continuously contributing to various projects. As an Open Mapping Guru, I chose and also got selected under the Validation Fellowship to sharpen my validation skills and deepen my knowledge of data quality.


Participating in the Open Mapping Guru Fellowship has been an incredibly enriching journey, offering a series of progressive and diverse assignments that have significantly enhanced my data validation and quality assurance skills. Starting in January, I engaged in the meticulous task of validating 125 tasks from various projects, emphasizing the importance of thorough data examination and adherence to project guidelines. This foundational month prepared me for the subsequent challenge in February, where I tackled 100 data quality issues using tools like OSMOSE and OSM Inspector. These tasks honed my ability to identify and correct common mapping errors, fostering a deep understanding of the importance of maintaining data integrity. March brought the additional responsibility of creating and managing my own MapRoulette challenges, enhancing my project management and community engagement skills. April’s focus on validating 100 well-mapped HOT Tasking Manager tasks further deepened my expertise, dealing with more complex validation scenarios and reinforcing the critical importance of data accuracy and completeness. The culmination of my experience in May, involving the validation of changesets created using street-level imagery and providing peer feedback, underscored the significance of collaborative review and constructive criticism in maintaining high-quality data standards. Each task not only built upon the previous ones but also expanded my knowledge and skills, ultimately preparing me to make impactful contributions to the open mapping community. This fellowship has instilled in me a profound appreciation for data quality and the collaborative efforts required to achieve it.


Throughout the Open Mapping Guru Fellowship, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of data validation and its critical role in ensuring data quality. Delving deeply into the intricacies of data validation, I enhanced my ability to use various tools like JOSM, OSMCha, OSMOSE, Mapillary, and MapRoulette. This multifaceted approach allowed me to tackle diverse validation challenges, significantly improving my problem-solving skills and preparing me for future mapping projects. The experience of validating data across different countries also broadened my perspective, making me more adaptable and proficient in handling global mapping tasks.

Moreover, I learned the vital importance of data validation in supporting real humanitarian actions. I contribute to more effective and impactful humanitarian responses by ensuring high-quality data. This fellowship also helped me develop confidence in my abilities as a validator, reinforcing my commitment to maintaining data integrity. Overall, these learnings have equipped me with valuable technical skills and instilled a deep appreciation for the collaborative and meticulous nature of data validation in the open mapping community.


The Open Mapping Guru Fellowship has significantly impacted both my personal development and the broader open mapping community. Through rigorous training and practical assignments, I have developed into a confident and skilled data validator, capable of contributing high-quality data to various mapping projects. My efforts in validating hundreds of tasks and resolving numerous data quality issues have directly improved the accuracy and reliability of OpenStreetMap data, which is essential for effective humanitarian responses and community planning. I have encouraged others to prioritize data quality and adopt best practices by actively participating in forums and providing constructive feedback to fellow mappers. The skills and experiences gained during this fellowship will continue to drive my commitment to contributing to and advocating for high-quality open mapping efforts in the future.


This fellowship has meant a lot to me, and I owe a big thank you to Mikko Tamura, Dinar Adiatma, Honey Grace Fombuena, and everyone else who supported me along the way. Their encouragement kept me going. A special shoutout to Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and the Open Mapping Asia-Pacific (AP) Hub for making this fellowship happen and giving us such an amazing chance to grow.


#OpenMapping #DataValidation #HumanitarianMapping #OSM #MappingGuruFellowship

Location: Bakhundol, Lalitpur-01, Lalitpur, Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Lalitpur, Bagmati Province, 04110, Nepal


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