OSM says I've been registered over 3 years. Wow, hard to believe it's been that long! Number of users seems to be picking up, lots of work getting done.
I've probably done about quarter to a third of Shrewsbury, the town I'm living in. I've been slacking since winter 2008. Hoping to pick up again this year as the weather gets warmer. Unlikely to happen this week with cold and wet forecast.
OTOH, others have taken up the challenge and mapped all but a small part of the town, even some places nearby, so there won't be much for me to do. There's a few local villages nearby so I may end up planning a few days mapping these.
It looks, therefore, like the challenge for this year won't be mapping much new ground. Rather, it'll be getting people to use the maps and map data and also improving on the data we have available.
Anyway, enough said for now. Time to charge the GPS.