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Strubbl's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Strubbl

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Thank you for clarifying and the links. Now i get to understand the problem.


Please provide links to the things you are writing about.

339 notes does not sound much for a whole country. Please don’t shut down the notes only without resolving them.

Warum in die Ferne schweifen...

Kein Problem. Niederdornberg-Deppendorf hätte ich wahrscheinlich auch vorgeschlagen 😂

Warum in die Ferne schweifen...

Wie wäre es mit Plüschow?

Check if POI website is active

I’d written a SW for that purpose, where you can give a relation ID and check all websites within that border. E.g. the analysis for Munich looks like this:

Source is available here:

Analyzing OSM's Tile Logs

For me this was Firefox’ fault and I had to disable activity tracking on this site.

Yes, thank you. I can confirm this. Firefox was blocking the pictures.

Analyzing OSM's Tile Logs

Oh no, the pictures are gone.

Unifying codebase of the damn web clients

I am using color schemas from if i need one.

What licenses use contributors to upload images with MapComplete? And who are the top photographers?

The article has some copy & paste issues compared to the one in your personal blog.


Hi Lars, das ist ein sehr interessantes Thema. Ich fürchte Updates zu diesen Blogs kann man nicht leicht verfolgen/mitbekommen. Evtl. lohnt es sich einen neuen Zwischenstand als eigenständigen neuen Blog zu veröffentlichen damit er in den RSS-Feeds auftaucht.


Das würde mich auch interessieren. Meist sind in den Wohngebieten nur die building=apartments gemappt gewesen. Und manchmal auch viele einfach als house statt yes. garage kommt auch oft vor, unabhängig davon, ob es evtl. ein carport ist.

Facebook/Instagram Notes

@AkuAnakTimur Thank you for the comment. I did not know, that this was possible.

Facebook/Instagram Notes

Is it possible to get a short explanation? Can anyone with FB/IG create OSM notes?

Some StreetComplete-Statistics

Then, the script’s counting is not correct as it shows a higher number than SC. E.g. for me the quest AddIsDefibrillatorIndoor shows in SC 19 and the script 21.

Some StreetComplete-Statistics

What do you mean with “Stars are not exactly saved”? IMO the number of quests solved, “stars”, are saved centrally on a server from WNO. This was introduced with SC v. X. Old changesets by SC with version <X are not parsed. If you still had the stars in your app when version X was introduced, they were used as start value instead of 0 stars.

When you reinstalled SC <v. X you started again with 0 stars although you might have solved quests already with the old installation. Stars were not synced from anywhere when setting up the app.

JOSM: Useful and underused shortcuts

same same but different:

Some StreetComplete-Statistics

Note that stars may reappear after delay but they are not lost by changing devices.

They are lost, because they were collected before the stars were saved in a remote location. I mean in the very early version of SC (<v10).

Some StreetComplete-Statistics

There’s a difference between the app and what your script shows for the stars. I think the cause might be the stars collected before a central DB saved them. I am using different devices and i “lost” stars in the beginnings of the app due to reinstalls or simply using another device.


Danke, schöne Auswertung

House addresses

Thanks for sharing <3