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The New York Times has maps tracking the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I wondered what the data source of the first one was: were they maybe using OSM?

New York Times map of attacks on Kharkiv

Mappers on the #openstreetmap IRC channel quickly found some differences. Just to be absolutely sure, I used the QuickOSM plugin for QGIS to download OSM data for the area from overpass. I then quickly styled the map, using the colour picker to copy the Times map. In half an hour, I had my own map of Kharkiv.

OSM-based version of the same map

The maps are quite different. The OSM-based one has more roads, especially in the forest. The land use is more accurate and up to date. The Ukraine community has done a great job.

The New York Times isn’t using OpenStreetMap, but an inferior, probably commercial source. Otherwise, their map would be better ;).

Location: 49.976, 36.219


Comment from lalolan on 3 March 2022 at 18:34

Russia is using it, at least “for the camera”: Compare background map with specially in Sea of Azov borders.

Comment from jose_ecu on 4 March 2022 at 18:17

Bad people using a good idea.

Comment from Sammyhawkrad on 13 March 2022 at 09:05

It could possibly be an old export of OpenStreetMap

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