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Status update of 2019

Mesmo q retorno so temporário passando ferias, talvez volto definitivo mais p frente.

100€ for a notifications listings page

@mikelmaron Interested but no time in foreseeable future

Status update (Kuwait)

I had a few tries on Mapillary shortly after arriving in August, but the temperatures was too high for my temporary support so I couldn’t get the camera stable. Unfortunately I havn’t had much time to fix this, though the temperatures are much more agreeable now so sorting out the support would be possible. Since I generally work from early morning and until dark 6 days a week, I only have Fridays to do leisure activities, and since I spend more than my share of time in the car working, I hardly move the car on the days when I don’t need to. I have some grand ideas of driving down Motorway 40 to the Saudi border, and up 80 to the Iraqi border, and maybe even 70 all the way out to the border as well.

Back in Brazil I used 2 cameras for Mapillary driving, one faced front and other back, but I only brought one camera to Kuwait. Since electronic is quite affordable here, I am thinking of purchasing another few VIRB cameras and a 360 before leaving, but due to the mentioned time restrictions I will probably not have time to arrange a setup while still in Kuwait.

Status update (Kuwait)

Thanks Wil,

I have more than 10 years working as ex-pat, and most of the time in offshore O&G and Management roles.

Of course a new blog entry will announce the new version

Imagery update for Mapbox Satellite layer

Within the geographic regions covered by these updates, surprisingly none of the places I work seems to be updated. Typical my luck :(

A new version is ready for roll out, with much better chache handling, proper rule handling with classes, command line arguments, and storable configuration. Currently work in progress, but nearing ready for release.

Thanks for feedback

I chose NATO alphabet (phonetic names) to have variables follow admin_level, I started out with human readable variables indicating the name of levels, such as county, municipality, city, etc, but that became messy and confusing.

Code cleanup will sure be a task for next version, including removal of old commented code

To get rid of the redundant code after line 1000 will require a complete rewrite of how rules are handled, which might be a good idea for next version, though I have no immediate plans for that.

I’ll probably take a break from Python now, either to get to learn basic understanding of ObjC or C++, or maybe I’ll look at something completely different.

Yule Holiday activities

roof:colour, roof:shape and building:colour have mainly been done by another mapper, though as details start to fill in I will do more of these details as well.

Yule Holiday activities

Thanks for the notice, it should be fixed now.

Yule Holiday activities

Oh, he have been much around sniffing already, but yeah he enjoy it. Too bad that I need to hold him back so I can take time writing down my notes as we walk.

100€ for a notifications listings page

@mikelmaron Thanks, I’ll look at having a PR ready for 31st.

100€ for a notifications listings page

@mikelmaron I wish to contribute to this, but will only have time and capacity to start looking into the code base AFTER Dec. 15. If it is still open, I’ll try to have something submitted by Dec. 31st.

Scaling multilingual name tags with Wikidata

I like the idea of using Wikidata to link different platforms of information, but I miss information about API and development tools to properly make use of it. The problem is obviously not on OpenStreetMap side, but rather on WikiData side. An use example, a tool getting border relations from OSM, and collects the names of the City/State/Country from name:* tags, it could also call a WikiData API for the same reason, and would than be able to get the names from a broader selection, and less prone to miss names due to limited tagging, i.e., several Chinese provinces have no latinised name tags, though this might exist in WikiData.

Votação de tradução highway=unclassified (pt-br)

Mesmo como voces ja fechou o voto, eu jogando o meu, que dar apoio ao “Via Local ou Estrada Vicinal”

Homemade Mapillary Hood Mount

smaprs: That is definitely something to think about when I get a vehicle where I can have the rig permanently mounted. Currently I depend on being able to remove and mount the rig quickly between vehicles. Depending on what will be my permanent vehicle (I am looking into investing in an Nissan Frontier 4x4), different ideas might be more realistic. The long term goal would be to have the rigg a little higher, and maybe all the way to the left-hand side of the hood.

Up-to-date open data imagery - it is available, use it!

Could these, with bounding boxes be added to the imagery index in JOSM and other editors?

Let's map missing turn restrictions in Canada

Tried to edit some street signs in Mapillary, and it seems like the OCR recognition and the sign edit is down temporarily, probably to rework the API and the database. Hope it comes up again soon (it have been down at least since April)

Homemade Mapillary Hood Mount

30BRL is more than double what I paid for my home-brew, and that would require I buy a bicycle mount as well, might do for the future, or I might acquire when I visit Europe. I’ll work with my home-brew for now. Besides it was kind of fun thinking out and solving it as well, can’t throw that away for something ready from a store ;)

Homemade Mapillary Hood Mount

The cost would be significantly higher, and it would require long delivery time since I most likely would have to order suction cup handles from abroad or specialist retailers. That kind of stuff isn’t shelf-ware where I live.