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Häuser zerschneiden…

Posted by Shmias on 9 June 2015 in German (Deutsch). Last updated on 12 June 2015.

Ob die Adresse am Gebäudeumriss oder am Eingang hängt ist mir ja ziemlich egal. Es gibt für beides Anwendungsfälle.

Ein durchgeschnittenes Haus

Eintaktes Haus

Nicht aber wenn ein Haus – wie ein Tortenstück – in der Mitte durchgeschnitten wird, damit es zwei Hausnummern haben kann.

Das finde ich widerspricht den Grundsätzen…

  1. …so zu kartieren, wie es in der Realität vor zu finden ist. Da steht nämlich nur ein Haus. (Ich war da! Ich habs gesehen 😄)
  2. …das ein Objekt genau eine Entität in der OSM entsprechen darf. 1×Haus → 2×building=*

An diesem Punk würde ich dann vorschlagen, die Zugänge als Nodes zu hängen.

Location: 10627, Charlottenburg, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Berlin, Deutschland

Redundancy in Buildings

Posted by Shmias on 20 September 2014 in English.

I’ve noted that most of the complex and important buildings in Berlin are duplicated for each geometry type. For instance the Berlin TV Tower:

Berliner Fernsehturm

As you see here its a tower with a fancy building on its base. This is what it looks like in Openstreetmap:

Fernsehturm Karte

So I suppose in osm this object should be a relation with different building parts as ways.

That is so, but certain tags a duplicated through this structure.

The same applies on the nearby Saint Mary’s Church relation/node,the Bodemuseum relation/way/node and several other buildings.

What do you think is the reason for that? Well, my theory is that many services can’t really handle relations. Such as wheelmap and the main renderer.

Mapnik won’t show any label because of a relation tagged with name. At least not for museum& place_of_worship so a visitor will assume that the name is missing and add it to the structures he can see clearly on the map. Or he’ll do it intentionally for the renderer.

Should I post this as an issue?

Location: 10178, Mitte, Berlin, Germany

Are you a happy owner of a retina display? Then you might already experienced the mixed blessing of the 99% of the internet being not retina-ready. unfortunately is a part of this 99%.

openstreetmap on retina openstreetmap on retina

Here is my quick workaround for this problem:

  1. Go to
  2. Press ⌘ + 0
  3. Press ⌘ + - four times.

As you see the openstreetmap now looks as great as google maps or apple maps and less like bing maps.

By the way: The openstreetmap based service MapBox is offering retina tiles too.