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Development of solutions using data

Posted by Sheila Job on 29 November 2021 in English.

As a Crowd2Map intern I had the opportunity to attend the conference #StateOfMap2021, it was a unique experience where for the first time I could see many experts from various areas related to data in one place, I did not know that the mapping area was too large.

Well, many sessions marked me but in particular those involving development of solutions using programming language, I hardly knew that with the knowledge I have in Python and database could do a lot of things with data, for me it was a wake-up call. It was from this awakening that I decided to explore further this area of development of solutions using data, research more about what I can do with the mapping data here in Mozambique to help in the development. With regard to networking it was possible to create networking, for an exchange of experience in the area, where it was possible to have a view also of what I can do mapping.

Congratulations to the whole team, for the beautiful organization, was all very well organized from the sessions until the presentations made, it was very good to know that there are so many people or a united group in the area of mapping and for the development of solutions for society. One of the recommendations that maybe could leave is that next time presentations are made all in English so that we can all watch all the sessions, or to the sessions in a language other than English could be put subtitles do not know if is possible or the slide could be translated into English and then sent to the participants.


Comment from JanetChapman on 5 December 2021 at 11:06

Glad you enjoyed it Sheila, and thank you for all your work with Crowd2Map!

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