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Rovastar's Diary

Recent diary entries

We have a new record for editors the other week on 24 September with 7803 daily users.

We regularly now get approaching 7000 daily users but this record seems to be because of additional boost in (HOT) mapping in Indonesia where 1100 people mapped the country.

Previously I posted about the record numbers of daily users editing OSM back in May where we had 6999 and 7209 daily records.

Since then we have broken that record on the 19th August with 7218 editors. (and also went over 7000 daily users again on the 17th September with 7141)

Record number of daily users editing OSM: 7209

Posted by Rovastar on 14 May 2020 in English. Last updated on 25 May 2020.

Edit: new record 7209: Thursday, 14th May 2020

On Tuesday the 12th May 2020 there was a new record for daily users editing OSM when 6999 different users edited the map. (

There has been a gradual ramp up for a while after a dip from know doubt the Covid lockdown shock.

The previous record was 6897 users from way back on 26th January 2017 when mobile game PokemonGO first started using OSM for its maps in South Korea. (

Pokemon Go now uses OSM

Posted by Rovastar on 1 December 2017 in English.

The popular game Pokemon Go now (Dec 1) is using OSM for the base map in the game for (all) the world.

Expect to get a massive increase in the users registering and editing OSM in the coming days/weeks.

Things to look out for:

People adding new roads and paths. People editing/deleting existing roads and paths, especially the small driveways, etc as they lump the mall together in their rendering and look ugly and cluttered so I expect people will be changing these to the wrong type or deleting them altogether so they can veiw there map

So roll up and begin casting an eye on the swarm of edits.

I, for one, welcome our new Pokemon editor overlords..

Sometimes you come across empty spaces on the OSM map.

People map what things that they have an interest in and that is all fine. It is what map the map what is is today. We have railway enthusiasts, walking enthusiasts, cycling enthusiasts, theme park enthusiasts, etc and they pound the streets and tweak with aerially imagery with crazy details and map what is on the ground.

However others things do get neglected. What about the things that nearly everybody has little interest in? Things that people are unlikely to visit (and totally undesirable to visit) in your social circles and do a detailed survey. Things that serve major functions of society, that are signposted prominently on the ground and all we have are blank wiki stub pages about the amenity because the OSM community we care so little. Things that Google even have user reviews about.

What do we do about those?

Well on a trip out today I saw a road sign showing directions for one of these such features and it wasn’t on the map. Just a vast empty space.

So in the spirit of embracing social diversity (who knows I might even win the annual OSM diversity award…) I mapped (without a survey and any inside knowledge about to must stress) it from aerial imagery in detail. Mapped a vast area all the buildings, car parking areas, footways, sports pitches, etc. Maybe we (but not me) could have a mapping party there to get more on the ground details…

It was, if you haven’t guessed by now, a prison.

It is what we in the UK oxymoronically call an “Open Prison” and is here: For anyone that wants to look. (I know we should not link to Google but what a great review. ;) )

Up next to update that blankest of blank wiki page. Capacity, classification, sex of inmates, offering executions on site, etc.

And maybe even go through a list of all the UK prisons and map them.

Location: Sudbury CP, Derbyshire Dales, Derbyshire, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom

Just seen an excellent real-time 3D map of Openstreetmap, the F4 map.




A really nice map fully dragable, change angles, etc in real time 3D. With excellent touches the animated cranes on the construction site and ships sailing. Probably my favourite OSM map.

Now that makes me want to properly map 3D buildings.

Anyone got any good examples of citys/areas which have the good 3D data?

Edited to add: PARIS If this is what the imported data quality there is no issue over quality, it’s fantastic. and wow

Sadly was working for a few days down that way last week. What a grim place. Multi-lane road and 70’s office blocks. So I mapped a bit as I cannot imagine any London mapping parties around there.

Location: Brentham Garden Suburb, Perivale, London Borough of Ealing, London, Greater London, England, W5 1NZ, United Kingdom

UK football Stadium mapping Update

Posted by Rovastar on 21 January 2013 in English.

A few months ago I started a mapping project for the UK football (soccer) grounds/stadiums.

Well now I am over a third of the way through with 55+ done so far…

Confusingly I have started alphabetically by stadium and not by club from the list I had and some stadium have been renamed, built new ones, etc.

Most had some sort of reference on OSM already and had only found a few that were not mapped at all.

It is interesting to see the level of mapping in the UK as I have been up and down UK (via Bing). Some has fantastic levels of detail, others are sparse. But best of all is the changes, in just a couple months, to the areas that I have back to again where another stadium in the same area or to check details.

UK football Stadium mapping

Posted by Rovastar on 2 November 2012 in English.

I have decided to get all the 138 English and Scottish football league stadiums on OSM. It will take me months but I’ll chip away.

Some local knowledge but mostly Bing tracing.

Done the A’s on my list so far.

Adams Park, Wycombe Wanderers (–)

Almondvale Stadium, Livingston (–)

Amex/Falmer Stadium, Brighton and Hove Albion (–)

Anfield, Liverpool (

Ashton Gate, Bristol City (–)

One of these wasn’t on the map and Already mass confusion on the names of 2 of them.

Linking to Wikipedia pages, operators, websites, adding addresses, Stands (sometimes at the moment as a separate building entity inside the stadium, still thinking of the best way to do this) among other info

I’ll update the OSM wiki stub for stadium at some point to when I have seen the pitfalls/best way to map all of this.

With some users not signing off the new contributor terms to the new ODBL. I am starting to remove these problem users edits.

The problem is that a long time ago some users made rough maps of major roads, etc that others have done precise mapping on and they will all be lost as these ex-users throw their toys out of the pram.

So I am deleting the roads (or whatever) and recreate it.
The problem is have is sometimes it is painstakingly slow to tell who the original looking up the history of the way on the web.

I might even start deleting those that have declined and recreating their data.

Otherwise we will get big areas on the map with no data at some point.

What methods/tactics do others have for this?

National Parks UK - Peak District

Posted by Rovastar on 15 February 2011 in English.

Mapped roughly the Peak District National Park.

Just rekindled my interest in OSM after years of absence did some basic stuff and decided I wanted something bigger to do.

I noticed that we are lacking huge national Parks in the UK on OSM.

The best way I though to do this was to import data but I couldn't find anything easy to do this job. So I did it by hand well from my computer.

Using the information now available from OSOpenData I roughly mapped the the Peak District. Using Potlatch 2 as my editor I have now got a good-ish rough approximation of the Peak District. It took hours but I did it.

The boundary lines on the OpenData I used were large - probably hundreds of meters across and guessed the best I could. Now it is up to me and other mappers to map the boundaries in more detail.

Enjoy. I might try adding more national parks soon to get some green on the map of the UK. :)

Location: Taddington CP, Derbyshire Dales, Derbyshire, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom